
England rugby player needs bigger legs, please help?

by Guest59424  |  earlier

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I'm trying to get big quads, i play rugby for surrey and england u16's, i go to the gym about 3 times a week, 2 of those times i heavily work my legs until i can do no more, but still they are not getting bigger. i dont neccessarily want them to get stronger as they are very strong, but just not very big. i know all the excersises to do, would it help to eat more calories...when i do, the weight is just put on in my stomach and my legs do not get bigger...any tips?

much appreciated! x




  1. I play on a hardcore volley-ball team, won many championships.

    Practices everyday, one in the morning & afternoon.

    Do stairs, believe me.

    My quads killed horribly after awhile, but it was well worth it.

    Helped a lot.

    We started off with about 20, but we have long stairs @ school.

    Find a nice amount of stairs & go up & down really fast.

    Do not skip any, or your only cheating yourself.

  2. Firstly, strength should be the first priority, not necessarily appearance.  For instance, Marcus Horan who plays loosehead prop for Ireland, is not that big at all for a senior international, and ESPECIALLY for a prop, but known for being equal to the task.  (He's the size of an average back, not a forward) An increase in protein will help, but don't forget the biggest factor:  YOU AREN'T EVEN 16.  You're still growing, so in the end all you have to do is have a little patience.  Knuckle down in your current program and by the time yr. eligible for the U-19 squad, you may have quads that will make Phil Vickery jealous.  I know this isn't perhaps the answer you want to hear, but the rules that would apply to someone 10 years older than you don't necessarilly apply to someone your age.  And also, for God's sake, lay off the steroids.  Kidney disease, liver disease, and oh yeah, SHRUNKEN TESTICLES are not a price you want to pay for appearances sake, especially at this stage in your life.  Good Luck in England.

  3. You play for England and are looking for gym advice on here?

    I'd have a word with your conditioning coach before getting info from random strangers.

    Secondly - you play rugby, you're legs are strong enough, but you want them to look better?

    I'd quit now and take up football if I were you.

  4. Increase your protein intake. Eating more wont do it it has to be more protein. And don't work out till you have muscle fatigue. This will actually SHOCK your muscles and stop growth. 5 sets max anything more is a waste of time i would definitely focus on squats building the biggest muscle in your legs though takes time just be patient.

  5. Thats interesting, most England players need bigger hearts ! Try a diet high in fat, absolutely no exercise whatsoever ! bed rest, bed rest and more bed rest ! If you'r obese you may have big legs but will never compete against us ! hahahah sorry about that !

  6. im trying to put on weight on my little pinkie

    please help


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