
England rugby team , can they do it ! I think they can what about you?

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England rugby team , can they do it ! I think they can what about you?




  1. What a tournament, we got hammered by the the Boks and then take out France and Australia, anything is possible, just got to stop that greyhound Habana. I had to laugh Gordon Brown sent his best wishes to the team, he must be the only Scot willing us on, and that`s if he meant it.

  2. Not entirely impossible, but highly unlikely

  3. I think they can too, but it's going to be a hard game, come on the boys, back to back trophy's would be brilliant.



  5. not an england fan, but they played well to get to the final they have an equal chance.  may the better team win.  but one thing i cannot stand about english sports or indeed british sports media is the uber -patriotism and i hate bad losers one thing the english could make into an olympic sport.

    manu: dont dare envelope my pariotism with british patriotism. i'm irish a total breed and race apart from you brits.  jesus i must have hit a raw nerve with you, christs sake take a chill pill or a shot of b12 failing that a cup of hot tea and a hot water bottle.  dont ever make a verbal attack on me when you have the painters in.

  6. I think they can. Go England Go

  7. I certainly hope they do. Its going to be a very close game.

  8. it is going to be a very hard game and i hope England win so may i say hard luck S A

  9. If they do and I really hope the do win, let them do it with ease. During the semi final game my heart rate went up to 130 right up to the final whistle. It was like going for a run.It didn't settle for nearly 2 hours later. My normal rate is 55. Then I could sleep all night as I was rerunning nearly all of the game. Come on ENGLAND you can do it.

  10. After watching the first game i didn`t even think they would get into the final rounds at all, so i think we should be really proud they are in the final.  

    Wish they would adopt the 3 lions as the emblem though, as lions eat antelope for breakfast!

    Finalists, How good is that!  Come on England!

    Edit: Kommandant, you talk rubbish, it`s OK for the Irish, Scots and Welsh to be patriotic so don`t you DARE tell us we can`t be.  OK?

    Typical man has to resort to trying to make a comment about periods when you are challenged by a woman.  

    I`m totally sick of people like you knocking English when we are proud of our teams, we are proud to be English.  I`m sick of other nations saying they are proud to be Scots, Irish or whatever but as soon as the English do it you get on your high horse.  For your information, if you make a comment that someone doesn`t like, they have every right to speak up and i certainly will,  so deal with it.

    If you thought i was including you in the UK then i wasn`t,  if i hear a person from any country make unnecessary comments about England then i will say they are talking rubbish if i don`t agree.

  11. i hope so but i fear it may be a bridge too far

  12. No - don't think they are good enough to be honest.

  13. LETS NOT DOUBT THEM!!!!!!!

  14. Kiwi here.

    Don't like the poms.

    That's just the way it is.

    So...come on South Africa.

  15. Oh pleeeaaase no. I don't think my head will take the endless bragging, the knighting of the team, the continuous media reporting, theories and post mortems. Anything but that !!!

  16. Ha ha ha.!!!

    You must be joking.!!!

    Go Bokke.!!!

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