
England to paris, Can yo take cigarettes?

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I am going on a coach trip to Paris, Via the Eurotunnel shuttle.

I want to take cigarettes from England to France as I do not wish to purchase French Cigarettes.

Can I take English Cigarettes over?

I will only take about 20/30




  1. you can take english cigs over if you wish as long as you dont light up in public places but why bother you can get most english brands in france and much cheaper than uk roy the thicko

  2. You can buy English cigarettes in France. And cheaper than in England too!

  3. Ha ha!! Of course you can!!

    You can take as many as you like within reason (i.e up to 3200) as long as they are for your personal use and you've paid tax on them.

    But they aren't going to search your handbag for a few cigs!

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