
England vs. wales rugby match?

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Who is english and is FED UP with all the gloating the welsh are doing,do the welsh seriously think that they can beat england again, the last time they beat them was 20 YEARS AGO, i am fed up of all the c**p the welsh are saying about the engliah team, i think that they need to shut the F****** up and GO HOME OR JUST LOSE TO FRANCE. AHHHHHHH!!!!!!




  1. 20 years ago? Are you for real? Obviously you haven't been watching or you've got your head up your @rse or you're still in your nappies.

    So, just for you, I'll give a rundown - are you sitting comfortably and are you paying attention? These are the results of Welsh wins within the last 20 years. Admittedly England have won more of the meetings within that time, but get your facts right before you open your mouth and let the wind blow your tongue about.

    02/07/08: England 19 - Wales 26        

    17/03/07: Wales 27 - England 18        

    05/02/05: Wales 11 - England 9          

    11/04/99: Wales32 - England 31

    Answer this: Which team has won the most meetings between Wales and England since the teams first met?

    P.S. When was the last time England won the GRAND SLAM

  2. hi,

    u say england r boring didnt u see mark jones **** himself when vanikolo came running towards him. bloody cowards if u ask me. i would of ike to of seen a fight brake out and most of the welsh team get their heads smashed in. oh wait that sounds bad i mean most of the welsh population. up yours all welshys.

  3. Oh dear me, whose lost her [football] rattle?

    You forget that not only did Wales beat England in the Six Nations in 2008, they did so in 2007 as well.

    Now unless you live in another time-world, I make the difference between 2007 and 2008 to be one year, not twenty.

  4. wales are far a better side than england and we won so suck on that loser lol

  5. Oh dear - did little Jonny let you down dear?

    What a shame!

    And before you go on about the Welsh gloating over this game - just remember that you only won the World Cup by cheating (remember there were 16 English players on the pitch at one time?) and by one drop goal.

    I seem to recall that, in the previous World Cup, England were kicked out of the contest by Janni De Beer and then went on for four years about how drop goals shouldnt' be allowed any more because the skewed the results of games and couldn't be defended against.  Yet when little Jonny kicked that injury time drop, you were all gloating for four years about how wonderful it was and how marvellous it was to win by a drop goal.

    I understand that you are very upset by your team's loss but please understand that we've listened to your team's supporters gloating for four years and you've listened to us for four days!

    I suggest you get some perspective and, as others have said, get your facts straight!

  6. What are you, ten years old?  Let them enjoy their moment, it's been coming for a long time.

  7. You read like one of those roahes that throw bottles and coins onto rugby fields.     I suggest you put that pacifier back in you mouth and get ready for some more boring English rugby...............  what a turkey.

  8. go take a chill pill and grow up

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