
English Born.Would you fight for Queen & Country

by Guest61196  |  earlier

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English Born.Would you fight for Queen & Country

would you fight & die for England.If not why not.

I couldnt fight for my country because i dont feel i have one anymore.




  1. Yes I would and I'm Welsh.

  2. I would but i'm female ......

    so it would depend on what status i was given

  3. YES

  4. No I would not - Scottish born & bred.

  5. No way, that's what the army gets paid for!

  6. The Queen h**l No But for the freedom of the ppl of England of course. I would never put a uniform on.

  7. For the Queen personally, yes.

    For this government, no.

  8. Yes I would just like my Ancesters did.

    How come you do not feel that you do not have a country anymore?

  9. For country yes, not queen.

  10. Yes, I have done and am very proud of the fact !

  11. Oh dear, I do appreciate that if we have to go to war we would know the reason, I noticed there was ample support at the time of the Falklands, there was a reason to fight, rather like Hitler in the last war. But I would fight and if necessary die for Queen and country as I did in the last one.  I know its my opinion I would be deeply ashamed of any Englishman that wouldn't

  12. i'd fight for the honour of England and as the status head, i would fight for the queen. sadly though you are right it does feel as though this country is not as it was but remember St George will always be St George and Blighty will always be Blighty. Long live England and god save the Queen.

    Oh i'm in the Forces and do fight for crown and country!

  13. In a previous question of yours, you said that the percentage was different. Which one applies?  Or are you telling porkies?

  14. Country yeah not the queen. The monarch is meaningless.

  15. Why, it's just dirt, and the dirt here is the same as all other dirt, and all that matters is the oil and minerals beneath.

    To get this, we are prepared to put many bodies beneath the sod, poor souls that is, not the rich or titled.

    If no one does it, from any Country, arms dealers are broke and politicians have to talk. Seems better.

  16. Been there, done that. Although England's not my country, I'm Scottish. Got the p!ss taken by some of your fine upstanding English military types for doing it, too.

    I don't feel like I've got a country anymore. Couldn't you find a less lame excuse than that?

    By the way, in which town are 78 percent of the population not English?  

  17. No because there is nothing left worth fighting for. I would protect my home and family, but that's about it.

  18. No. The government are making such a mess of everything and prices are rising for basic commodities. There is no reason to feel proud of this country (in my opinion) therefore it would not be worth fighting for.

  19. I would fight for Queen and Country if they were right.

    I would fight for Queen and Country if they were wrong and we were invaded.

    I would fight Queen and Country if they threatened my family.

    I would fight the need to fight if anyone usurped democracy.

  20. Yes, to defend my country and keep the Queen as my sovereign.

  21. Those who wouldn't should leave.

  22. Yes for Queen and country I would risk my life to defend them.

    This is all our country, no matter how much it has changed in the last 20 years or so and we should all be proud of our nation and our heritage, which the Queen represents.

  23. Have done and would do again if asked.

  24. I would fight to defend my country.  Not its government.  But the land.

  25. If I were English born I would fight for country, but not for Queen, as all that the Queen means these days is a spot of pageantry that English people can gaze at and remember the old days when THEY THEMSELVES basically took the monarchy out of power with the Magna Carta. Royalty in England is just a show now, just like the Changing of the Guard at the Tower of London.

  26. for country, to the death. queen only if she leads the troops to battle like the old kings did.

  27. What? So you are of pure blood ya? This view sounds sehr familiar.

    I may have an English accent and have been born here but my parents are immigrants here. Would I fight for them and everyone else? Well probably if I had to, I'd contribute. Not sure about killing people but I would support my home country - England.  

  28. Yes, i would. Many people on here say no and refer to this not being 1910. But what if a war broke out on a scale with the first 2 world wars, perhaps bigger, where their sole aim was to wipe out everyone on this island. There would be no room for liberalism and feeble people (id personally send them in as the first wave) And maybe a big war will restore some of the national pride that has all but disappeared. And will sort out where these apparent 'british' citizens allegiances lie. This was once a great nation that has stood strong for thousands of years. Only the past 20 years have people become weak as shite.

  29. I'd fight to protect the south of england, all you townies can die.

  30. Erm hello this is not 1910

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