
English Crown - American wants to know :]?

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How to english people feel about the queen of you really say long live the queen and things of that nature? How does the queen make her money? Do the princes's have jobs? What part do they have in your government? I find it so interesting.




  1. 1. She isn't Queen of England; she's Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain. Different.

    2. How would I feel if someone like Princess Diana became queen? I'd emigrate. Terrible woman.

    3. There isn't a time limit on how soon an unmarried king has to get hitched. And there's no rule that he has to marry someone related. There used to be a rule that he had to marry someone royal, but that went out of the window generations ago - the late Queen Mum was non-royal, though she was the daughter of an earl. When Charles was a young man the court was still inisting that he did at least have to marry somebody aristocratic and virginal, which was why they wouldn't let him marry his true love Camilla and made him marry Diana instead. But that turned out such a disaster that now a royal prince can marry just about anybody, provided she's a Protestant.

  2. Some think she is a good idea, others do not.

    In everyday life she is irrelevant.

    The queen gets taxpayers money voted to her every year by Parliament and she also has a vast personal fortune.

    The Princes have military jobs at the moment.They take no part in government

  3. "I've also heard a cute little story that pubs won't serve alcohol when the queen is taking her tea--so people order enough drinks to last them through that time until she is done."

    Absolute bunkum I'm afraid.

    The Queen is our head of state but is really just a figurehead. She has no place in our Government but interestingly she does retain the power to dissolve the government - should she wish to!

    She plays an important part in our relationships with heads of state abroad and she certainly brings millions into the country in tourism.

    Opinion is divided - I love her Maj. She bring the tourist bucks in and represents a huge part of our history.

  4. they used to say long live the quuen when the elizabeth ruled england, but they only say it know to feel the pride and all that, is not like normal folks like you and i will say long live the queen when its her birthday.

  5. Im English and against the monarchy too. She attends openings to 'make her money' however if u ask me I and other tax payers pay her wages. I would never like to meet the woman or any of her family....They arent even the real royals! Just some cheap imports.

    I find them rude and they dont know how lucky they are to have all what they have. The queen rarely smiles and her husband is a liability...there.. rant over!

  6. I believe both of the princes William and Harry are serving in the British military, mainly doing charity work in poor countries with their units.  

    I've also heard a cute little story that pubs won't serve alcohol when the queen is taking her tea--so people order enough drinks to last them through that time until she is done.  

    Sorry I can't answer your question more.  I'm moving to England this month, so I find all of this very interesting too :D

  7. I'm Australian and the Queen is our head of state also. However, she has a representative called the Governor General and a Governor for each state of Australia. The roles are more symbolic than practical and don't serve any real purpose. However, controversially in 1975, Gough Whitlam (labor party), the prime minister of Australia, was sacked by the Govenor General and replaced by Malcolm Fraser from the other major Australian political party (liberal party). I'm not sure whether today the Governor General still has this power. I'm sure buried somewhere in the Australian constitution and relevant documents for each state, the Governor General/Governor might have some power that today for some reason is not used or hasn't been legally changed. Today, I think most Australians want a republic (me included) but when the Queen is dead as few people dislike her here. I believe our Government sends her money from taxation income.

  8. I am English born and bred and I am against the monarchy.  It is an out dated, undemocratic institution.  The Queen has no way of earning money, but she owns vast wealth simply by being monarch AND the British tax payers have to give her millions each year as well.  How on earth can that be right?  No one in the immediate Royal family have proper jobs, but thankfully they have no say in government issues.

    There is a growing republican movement in the UK.  One day we will have a democratically elected head of state.

  9. Good afternoon from England. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me and I shall try my utmost to assist you.


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