
English Listening problem. I dont undrestand what this gentleman is saying.?(youtube video link inside)?

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Hi. this is a video I was watching on youtube. since I am weak at listening to English I cant undrestand. please tell me what the commentator is saying

at 0:25 to 0:29

at 0:51 to 1:02

at 1:20 to 1:28

thank you in advance




  1. He is speaking about the way the one shooter holds his hand to make the shot, the bridge(how he holds his thumb and finger)  where he puts the cue stick. (that is what I got out of it). The winner polished the opponent off with the last shot of the black ball.

  2. 0:25 to 0:29: "Liang possesses one of the strangest bridge hands in the game, but it doesn't hamper him."

    0:51 to 1:02: "So much for the luck of the Irish. Nothing is going right for the man from Ulster. Although he did do a good job of seeing the funny side of things and his good humour was rewarded when Liang missed the blue to hand him the frame."

    1:20 to 1:28: "... followed by a slapstick moment to rank alongside his premature entrance into the arena afew nights ago. Not realising he's fluked a red, Liang returns to his seat.."

    Hope this helps you!

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