
English Literature degrees: just out of interest...?

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I'm 16, and hoping to leave for university at the end of this year... I'm not superficial enough to use this as the basis of my decision, I was just wondering: how is English Literature regarded in terms of value? I only plan on teaching, so I don't mind about the low prospects, I mean more in terms of social opinions. Is it looked at as "mickey mouse" in the same vein as Sociology and Media, or is it sort of middle ground like Classics/History?

The only reason this bothers me is because my parents were encouraging me to pursue Physics, which I am good at, but honestly, the only reason I was considering it was because of the money involved at the end, and that's no reason to study something for 4 years. English Lit. is a huge passion of mine and they do both know that, but I'm worried they'll be disappointed if I switch my plans from a hard science to something which isn't regarded too well...




  1. You need to do what makes you happy - the money will follow.  And, by the way, all of the money in the world won't make you happy unless you are happy with what you are doing.

    I graduated with a BA in English.  I selected English because I was unsure what I wanted to do after college but knew that I could do many things with an English degree.  After all with such a degree you can speak and write well, and this is always a good skill to have in any field.   I should let you know that I also have a degree is Psychology.  English degrees can also lead to other degrees, a friend of mine got a degree in English as the precursor to his Law degree.

    After college I worked in Student Affairs (this is working in colleges in Residential Life and Programming capacities).  I did this for six years and decided I didn't want to do this for the rest of my life.  I then got my emergency certification to teach high school English.  It was the best choice I have ever made!  I love my job.  If you love English Lit. you will love sharing that passion with students - regardless of all of the other stuff that does, or doesn't, go along with it.

    Good luck in making your decision!

  2. "only reason I was considering it was because of the money involved at the end, and that's no reason to study something for 4 years"

    Believe me, once you finish your studies, you will be thinking about money, because that is going to put food on the table..

    go with the profession which can support you!

    And speaking from personal experience i regretted studying literature, and now i am studying business, which is a bit dull, but far better than being a starving nerv-wreck of a teacher..


    B.A. Eng. Lang. and Lit.

  3. Science teachers can earn more, but excellent English teachers are just as valued. By the way once you have taught you may re evaluate your plans for "only" teaching. It is incredibly demanding work and requires much more than academic intelligence.

    For a good all round introduction to the profession start by reading Herbert Kohl's 'On Teaching' and 'The Discipline of Hope.'

    Is Science more important than English Literature? That is something you will have to decide. Both have their merits as subjects, both give us great insight into the world around us. Know this, Literature will never be "mickey mouse" although Mickey Mouse can be literature.

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