
English National Anthem?

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Is our National Anthem out of date? What do you think would suit us better? I like Jerusalem. Do you think it should still be sung in Schools and cinemas etc?




  1. I'm as patriotic as they come but I do tend to agree with you that our National Anthem should be revised some how. Not sure what to though.

  2. I am English, and I have no idea what the "English National Anthem" is - is it the same as the British National Anthem ?

    According to Wikipedia, the following can be used as English National Anthems:

    God Save the Queen (football), Land of Hope and Glory (Commonwealth Games anthem), Jerusalem (Cricket), I Vow to Thee, My Country (Rugby)

  3. English National Anthem is boring and out dated ,Needs to be up dated and given a faster pace.

    Not it should not be forced on kids in school, But get the kids to make up a new song and music then sing that in school if they want

  4. The current national anthem fails on 2 counts. Firstly it is a slow boring dirge more appropriate to a funeral rather than something which is supposed to be uplifting.  Secondly national anthems are supposed to praise the nation concerned. Our national anthem dribbles on about an individual who holds an unelected office and who is part of an outdated anachronistic institution.

    Options for change:

    1) Land of Hope and Glory

    Very patriotic and certainly uplifting.

    2) Rule Britannia

    Again very patriotic and uplifting but is often mis-sung.

    The correct  first two lines are:

    Rule Britannia

    Britannia RULE the waves

    what is commonly sung is

    Rule Britannia

    Britannia RULES the waves

    The correct version is an imperative urging the nation on to great things whereas the second is a simple statement. The slight difference in spelling represents a major difference in meaning.  As Britain's maritime dominance is now over it is important that the correct version is sung as this is relevant to a patriotic song. To adopt the second version would be likely to bring the nation into ridicule as the situation described no longer exists.

    3)Start again from scratch

    Engage the nation's musical heavyweights to come up  with something completely new.

  5. I agree that the tune could be better, but we should steer clear of modern tunes that don't date well; after all it maybe several hundreds of years before another re-write!

    BTW the words refer not to the incumbent monarch, but to the institution. Some would say the present lot should be living in one!!

  6. We should have an instrumental; we could all stand there, protruding our chests with big brass instuments blaring out and you wouldn't have to remember the words. Get a European to ghostwrite it, England has never been too good at classical music.

  7. It doesn't even mention England, it's just a hymn in praise of the monarch.


    That really stirs everyone up on last night of the


    Makes you feel good and proud to be British.

    Not sure about singing it in schools or cinemas,

    Someone is bound to say that it is not politically


  9. its so fu*king boring, singing about an inbreed, head of a family, it should be ` Rule Brittania `

  10. i think vindaloo by fat les. cant beat it. why the h**l would anyone wanna save the queen shes done nothing for me lately

  11. I agree with you, I've always liked "Jerusalem", it's a beautiful tune.

  12. Jerusalem I've always thought would be a good anthem for the English.

  13. Are you talking about the English National Anthem, or the National Anthem of the United Kingdom of Great Britain which is "God Save The Queen"? They are not the same each country that makes up the U.K. has it's own National Anthem. I take it that you didn't go to school in Britain, and that you are a newly arrived immigrant, who does not understand how the U.K. is constituted.....I hope this helps you.

  14. Billy Connolly had the best idea......the Archers' signature tune.  Then you would all know the words.....

    All together now........

    Rumty tumty tumty tum

    Rumty tumty tuuuuumty....

  15. The current national anthem is a tuneless dirge. I think we should get Matt Bellamy of Muse to write us something decent.

  16. I'm going to go with Billy Connolly and The Archers. (see Hibee)

  17. It should be changed to The Trooper by Iron Maiden.

  18. Yeah, why not. God Save the Queen, the tune is similar to the American nation anthem.

  19. yep its outta date!!! y not have the ketchup song ;-).

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