
English Rugby fans....?

by  |  earlier

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Are you depressed after losing the rugby world cup? Ring this special helpline set up by the English Rugby Union on 0900 10 10 10, that's 0900 won nothing, won nothing, won nothing!

Oh, and it's a joke, don't really try and ring it!




  1. Oh, you won't get too many Englishmen answering this.

    I on the other hand am a Scotsman, and I like it!

    I'm just glad they didn't win because it might, just might, stop the commentators talking about England's magnificent victory before every single match of the next Six Nations.

    I say might, because I could almost guarantee it won't stop them mentioning the one they did win.

    God knows they still talk about 1966 before every football match... as though it's relevant to the current team in any way.

  2. Yawn. The only people I will accept p1ss taking from about the RWC are the South Africans.

    Everyone else. Well you won nothing either.

  3. I'm not English fan, but I would like to congratulate the English team to be in the final.

    They lost (2 times) to the best team.

  4. England should still be very proud their defence on the night was fantastic and at the start of the tournament people totally wrote them off, but they can say we made it to the final, which is better than any of the other 6 nations teams can was just to bridge too far to beat the Boks, injuries had built up as a cost of making it to the final and South Africa made little or no mistakes so johnny couldnt capitalise on them

  5. I've just dialled that number and i got put through to a s*x chat line....ow my god...what have you been listening's ruddy rude i tell you.

  6. we got there against all odds. we were unlucky not to score that god bless the irish so realy how unlucky were we

  7. I wish I could thumbs down a question - what a rotten question!  No I am proud that my team did so well and against the odds - why should that make me depressed?  World Champions last time, finalists again this time - what is the matter with you, how much better can we get!

    By the way I'm a Liverpool fan - Now you can talk about feeling depressed.

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