
English answer this.... ok ....Indirect speech?

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....Change the following to indirect speech....

1. "An eagle differ from a clam,"she says.

2. She says, "The clam stays hidden inside its sturdy house."

3. "It never comes out even for a walk," she observes.

4. He adds, "It just lets the tide shove it around."

5. "When the clam is hungry, it just opens its mouth and water flows in and out bringing food with it," he continues.

6. " the eagle is just the opposite,"says she.

7. "He is up there in the sky sailing along without moving a wing," she continues.

8. He adds, "He builds his nest in the highest tree where gales blow."

9. She says, "He swoops down upon it, carrying it away in his talons.

11. He says finally, "Flags have eagles, not clams."




  1. 1. she said an eagle differs froma clam

    2. she said the clam stays hidden inside its study house

    3 she observed that it never even comes out for a walk

    4. he added that it just lets the tide shove it around

    5. he continued that when the clam is hungry, it just opens its mouth and waters flows in and out bringing food with it

    6. she said that the eagle is just the opposite

    7. she continued that he is up there in the sky sailing along without moving a wing

    8. he added that he builds his nest in the highest tree where gales blow

    9.he swoops down upon it carrying it away in his talons is what she said

    10. finally, he said that flags have eagles, not clams

    the easiest way to know how to make direct speech into indirect speech is to imagine that someone has told you something and you need to tell someone else what they said

    for example, your mum might say to you 'go and tidy your room'. you might say to your friend 'she told me to go and tidy my room' <<< the part inbetween the ''s is the indirect speech  

  2. OK i help u u help me

    1. She said that an eagle differs from a clm

    2. She said that.........

    3. She observed taht............

    4. He added that .....................

    5. he contined to say that..........................

    6. She said that........................

    you get the point. No speech marks in it tho

    Answer mine:: In this category.. 10 points at the front. Shouldnt b too hard to spot =)

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