
English help!! please help me edit my story! it's only a made up story! ^_^?

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well this is a story that i made up!!!

please help me edit whatever you find that you think is wrong!!

and please help me giving advice how to make the girl "Joan" make a harsh/difficult decision!! about picking her bestfriend or boyfriend!!!

thank you very much !!!!

Love or Friendship?

Since first grade Joan and Katrina were best friends, they are now in senior year. On the first day of summer they always go out to the mall, they've notice that they always go there every-time, and then they both decided to go to the beach at Friday. They where very excited because it would be their first time to go to the beach without their family. So when they got to the beach they put on their swimsuit, and started swimming.

When Joan was going farther to the shore, she did not notice that she swam far from the shore. Then suddenly she got bad cramps to her legs and the water was so deep that she started to get drowned, Katrina heard Joan screaming for help but she could not save Joan because she was scared she might drown too. When a life guard heard Joan shouting for help he run very fast to the sand, and he started to swim to Joan to save her. Katrina was very scared when she saw Joan drowning, but now the lifeguard has saved her she was relief.

The lifeguard started to talk to Joan if she was okay but she didn't answer so the lifeguard gave a CPR until she woke up. Katrina started running to Joan to look if she was o.k. and she was sorry that she can not save her. when Joan wake up, she said "thank you" to Joey the lifeguard which is her crush since second grade, she and Katrina was shocked to see him, and they had no idea that he work there. Joan and Katrina introduced them-self's to Joey, because Joey does not know Joan and Katrina really well they have only seen at school but they never talk to him. When Joan had to go, Joey asks her if they could have dinner tonight so she said "yes”.

Joan was so excited and thrilled to go with Joey, so when they had dinner they talked about their life, they felt that both of them were close and have a lot in common. After eating dinner they walked to downtown, suddenly Joey ask her a question “Joan do you have a boyfriend?” then she answer “no”. Joey’s face turned to red, and Joan had goose bumps. After that he asks her if she could be his girlfriend. Joan was amazed, she has feelings to him so she said “yes”, and they both hug each other. Joey drop off Joan to her front door of her house, she said "goodnight Joey" and he answer "take care and goodnight Joan".

Both of them were nervous but happy the same time. In the morning Joan called Joey if she and Katrina can go to his house and he said "yeah sure!”Katrina was excited; it was her first time going to Joey's house with Joan. Katrina ask him what college his going he answer "I’m going to San Francisco University, how bout you?" Katrina and Joan were surprised in a good way.

Joan suddenly shouted that she is going to the same college as him, Joey's reaction was shocked, and he could not believe that they were going to same college. Katrina was quite and sad because she is going to a different college. Joan notices that Katrina was quite, so she comforts her that they would still be in touch and see each other every month. Joan was sad to but she does not want to show it to Katrina because she might hurt her feelings if she would felt bad for her.

After comforting Katrina, Joan decided to go to her house and show Joey her room and she wanted Katrina to meet her brother from England. Joan showed Joey her room and her house. Katrina went to the hallway and opened the door of the bathroom, suddenly a guy was washing his hand, and she thought it was a visitor. The guy said "can you knock?" Katrina was embarrassed. "Who are you?" Katrina asks, "I’m Kevin Joan's older brother, from England."Katrina was surprised and more embarrassed she had no idea that Joan's brother would be that cute.

Then both of them started too talked about their life in the living room. After showing Joan's house to Joey, they went to the kitchen and cooked their lunch. They were both happy and in love to each other. Joan was worried because Katrina was not around the house, but when Joey and Joan heard someone was talking, they found Katrina and Kevin talking and laughing. when Joan first saw them talking, she think that her best friend Katrina is in love with her brother, she was so happy for her that she did not have to introduced her to him, which saved time.

Joey and Joan ate their lunch without Katrina and her brother; she thinks that they need to know more about each other. After eating lunch Joan wanted to go to the movie so she invited Katrina, Kevin and of course Joey. They watch two movies then they all went to their house. Day after day Joey and Joan get to see each other and talk to each other, their feeling’s grew and grew larger. Katrina became less close to Joan, because she always hangs out with Kevin.




  1. Good story writing skill!

  2. Most of your essay is a run on.  

    Need to edit your grammar a lot, with simple words...

    Example: "she started to get drowned" shoule be "she started to drown"

    Its a very good essay just kind of hard to understand.

    I would edit the whole thing but there is a lot to edit...

    Good Luck!  

    Email me if you need anymore help.


    Edit: Some other things I noticed...

    There is some unneeded punctuation.

    Make your first sentence catchy something to hold the readers attention.

    Most of your sentences start with 'then' 'the' 'when' or names try and have more variety for the first word of the sentence...

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