
English literature alevel exam tomorrow?

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I feel like i've forgotton everything!!

Im so worried and there's no time!

Why can't i learn!?





  1. Hi - dont worry! Itll all come back to you. Honest! I did English Lit for A Level (altho this was 10years ago) and I remember just before thinking 'OMG I dont remember a thing!' But as soon as you see the questions, youll be fine. Good luck!xx

  2. Alice- I did my A level in English Literature 4 years ago now and got an A, and went on to do a degree in it. I am now training to be an English teacher- but I'll let you into a secret: I walked out of my A level English Lit exam and burst into tears. I thought I had made a right mess of it. But it was okay. It's normal to be nervous and think you're going to **** it up. You won't.

    Just remember:

    GET A GOOD NIGHTS SLEEP TONIGHT- no point going in totally wrecked.

    QUOTE- use as many quotations as you can.

    WRITE ENOUGH- but not too much. No examiner likes a gabberer.

    BREATHE- It will be okay.

    AND REMEMBER- Even if you DO **** it up, you can always retake. This isn't half as important as you imagine it to be.

    Good luck!

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