
English rugby union fans are very quiet all of a sudden?

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wheres all the were better than football nonsense? how many of you will be at club games then? im waiting for it to take over football but it seems hardly any of you actually watch the game unless england win a few matches




  1. That is not necessary. The English played a great hard game.

    You have to understand how the team and the supporters are feeling. Cut them some slack please. From a South African. And I love soccer as well.

  2. HEAR HEAR Well said, I love my rugby, and watch union as much as possible, considering that I live in Germany thats a bit of a rareity these days, I've seen my London Irish play three times this year, so I'm slacking.  I don't slag Football players, ain't got the time, but I don't consider them Bandwagoners either, frankly, I only really watch Football  when its World Cup time, rugby is my sport, and all I care for.  England could better spend their time slagging their overpaid and under-producing Football team, Heck they lost to Russia and don't look like their going to make it to Euro 2008, whereas everyone had written off our rugby team six weeks ago, and look what happened.  I think Football in England is missing heart.... Our rugby players don't get paid nearly as much as our football players, yet with their hearts on their sleeves, they made a nation stand up and notice.  They arn't really paid to play, for them its an honour.  its been a rough weekend for England, we lost in the finals on Saturday, Lewis Hamilton didn't win the championship (But hes a rookie with tons of potential, give him time,) Our Football team lost to Russia, so its been rough.  But stand up England, show some heart, and lets be the geat sporting nation that we are!

  3. That may have something to do with the fact that the world cup has finished.

  4. well I dare say looking back over your Q&A you are a huge football fan. I am not English nor am I a huge fan of football and like you cannot stand rugby, I cannot stand football, that aside, both sports require alot of skill, fitness and passion.

    The debate about which sport is the 'greater' is getting pretty redundant because any fan of rugby will without a doubt diss the footballer and vice versa, however I doubt that rugby would ever take over football in England as I have seen there fan base and it is huge!!

    Football here in NZ is taking off and there are numerous clubs and competitions throughout the season however like football is No1 in England I doubt that it will surpass rugby here in NZ however because of its popularity at the moment I could be wrong!

    edit: yep well I totally agree with you there 'razawire'! theres nothing more annoying than a bandwagon jumper!!

    cheers 4 the update.

  5. I'm right here love!

    Still supporting England and Newcastle Falcons (through gritted teeth as we haven't got a pro club in Sunderland)

  6. they are hiding in the same place as the f1 fans

  7. And the English football fans!! Ha ha ha

  8. Every sports has different skills, only an idiot would try to compare them.  Different people like different things.

  9. Perhaps it's because Football is so dire at International level, that any win in another sport is welcomed. I have followed rugby for years and have been to many games, though not so much recently. But England gave us something to cheer about when all else were failing and they came close believe or not to winning back to back World Cups, as i recall we haven't  won a footie world cup since 1966, and everyone still talks about that win. Rugby will never supplant football in the nations psyche, but sadly football is now a game of greed over content, and i know which i prefer to follow.

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