
English to french tranlation?

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how do you say i loveyou, i hate you and you want to be my girlfriend? please help




  1. Ok my friend here are my answers, hope you like them furthermore I ve studied french 4 years, so I have a good level..see you!

    I love you---------------Je t`aime   (aimer--means to love)

    je t`haïs -----------------I hate you

    Voudrais tu être ma petite amie??- (vouloir-means to want..être means to be, and petite amie means girlfriend

    a bientôt

  2. I love you : Je t'aime.

    I hate you: Je te déteste. ("Je te hais" is very rarely used nowadays except in films and theatricals, and it is "Je te hais" as the "h" is sounded)

    You want to be my girl friend? (Now)

    Veux-tu être ma petite amie?

    Would you be my girl friend? (later)

    Voudrais-tu  ÃƒÂªtre ma petite amie?

    "Je veux que tu sois ma copine" means " "I want you to be my pal/ friend" when speaking to a girl but does not necessarily mean in a sentimental way. Girls use the word  to describe their pals at school for instance.

  3. Je t'aime [juh tehm]

    Je te deteste [juh te duh-test]

    Voulez-vouz etre ma fiancee? [voo-leh voo etk mah fee-ang-seh]

  4. je t'aime= i love you

    je t'haïs, je te déteste= i hate you

    je veux que tu sois ma copine.

  5. je t'aime-i love you

    je te deteste-i hate you

    est-ce que tu veux etre mon petite ami?-do you want to be my girlfriend?

    est-ce que tu voudrais etre mon petite ami?-would you like o be my girlfriend.

    hope that helps=)

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