
English tutor question...?

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I'm in my early twenties, no degree, experience teaching overseas for 2 years now.

I am interested in advertising to asian students that need help with their English.

What rate would I charge for one on one tutoring in Canada BC??

Is this a profitable idea??

Where do I tutor them? At their house? At mine? At a coffee shop kind of thing?

How would I go about advertising? Flyers? Around schools? The newspaper?

Thank you!




  1. $40/HOUR

    At their house

    The newspaper

  2. you could charge them $25 per hour. Tutoring esl students is a very profitable idea, because there are lots of asian immigrants from korea and hong kong. You could tutor them at your house or theirs, depending on their choice. You could always have an ad in the newspaper, or you could write up a piece of paper stating the information with little number slips at the bottom and post it up in announcement boards at school.

  3. 20-40$/hour, Depends on you. But, if you want to have a long career i would go with 25$, because people always go for the cheapest, and also Asians have a strong connection together so, if your a good teacher they will tell other Asians that your a great tutor with a good price.

    Bring them to your house, because usually, if YOUR teaching THEM something you dont go to their house. And, the coffee shop may sometimes get too crowded or noisy.

    I would perfer that you actually do all the 3, Flyer, around schools, and the newspaper, but if you had to choose only one, i would say the newspaper. Kids always rip papers around their schools, and Flyers always get thrown in the Garbage. The newspaper is the best place that a new person that needs help with English would look at so, go with the Newspaper.

    Hope i helped!

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