
Enironmentally Friendly Australian... Are you one?

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1) What are the major ways that you try to be environmentally friendly?

2) What are the efforts you have gone to in order to save water in your house hold?

3) On a scale of 1- 10 (being low, 10 being high) rate your level of effort in caring for the environment.

Thankyou : )




  1. fsdg

  2. Nope, not Australian.

  3. 1. recycle, pick up litter sometimes

    2. put water on very low when brushing teeth and washing face and stuff


    and your welcome :)

  4. No I'm not Australian.

  5. >I try to limit my bonfires to 4 times a week

    >I only have two 1 hour showers a day instead of three

    >I drive my gas guzzler V8 to the corner shop instead of the one down the road from it

    >I burn the plastic bags from said shop instead of putting them in the rubbish bin to end up in land fill

    >I only use the sprinkler once a day instead of twice

    >I would rate my efforts a 10

    naughty naughty, someone's got more than 1 profile. Ferg, rah whatever your name is!

  6. take my Prado and put a bigger turbo on the diesel

    secondly I would replace my Fj 80 with a 100 series and put a bigger fuel tank on it. then I would buy water storage bags for it and run my arb refrigerator retrofitted to cool the water.

    I love the environment thats why I drive through Queensland so much that I necessitate such amenities in my vehicles

  7. recyle

    i have tank water


    i try to grow my own fruit and vegs.

  8. I sort out the recycle things from the rubbish things, I use old Tvs,timber old prams well almost anything and make Christmas decorations out of it so it saves land fill, I'm a member of freecycle and like all other members offer something I don't want to other members free of charge so it saves land fill, at home we do only one big clothes washing once a week, the old saying "if its yellow let it mellow and if its brown we flush it down" when it concerns the toilet.bottle cap lids and empty toilet rolls egg cartons etc we give to the local pre school and kindergarden for there art, member of a local community group who once a week weed introduced plants into our environment. so I think we are doing pretty good.  

  9. Yes I am a non consumer use green energy, recycle everything, drive only approx 100km / week (rural no public transport). I would rate our home at 7 as we use electricity, not solar, do not have wood fire and it is not fully insulated (renting but have got some insulation done by owner and have used bubble wrap for high windows - great double glazing for those of us with little to no finances)

    water is a significant thing living on a farm. we use tank water and are naturally careful with it. all water is returned to the outside either directly, septic tank or grease trap. we mostly toilet outside for ones; wash my hair outside with a buckets & hose rather than have water running; toilet is not flushed automatically only when needed; use a dishwasher (water saving setting) with water returned outside via charcoal filter drain. It is hard to think as it is natural and automatic never to leave a tap run or Drip! if I do have a leaking tap a utensil is immediately placed under it until it is fixed. we have a small separate tank (old unsuitable for drinking) for my pot plants.

  10. Am wondering the reason behind your questions? Is it for a school asignment? Or  are people trying? Anyway,

    I live in a town were many people are

    learning now about how to think about the energy we use.

    Together we will grow gardens of food this summer, and most of us (about 1400) are very thoughtful of the water we use as we have had a 10year drought.


    I have one bath a week, wash in a bowl other days.

    The water is used to wash my clothes, and it goes onto the garden after that. 3X

    Wash the dishes every two or three days.

    Ride a bike to town unless I am very very late, or have to pick up groceries

    I could improve, but it's a start.

    I'd say about 6, because i have been working at it a long time and my van is a bit heavy on the gas, LPG

  11. 1) I don't listen to what hippies tell me

    2) None whatsoever

    3) 1

    Hippies are the New Luddites. The sky is NOT falling and people are sheep. Bring in desalination and turn this country into a PARADISE with the use of (virtually) inexhaustible seawater.

    infrastructure for electricity, water and sewerage, along with medicine, technology and science, is the reason we all live so long and are so much healthier than our ancestors. Greenies are fooling themselves and everyone else if they think otherwise...

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