
Enjoy this heartbreaking love poem?

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This again was written by my friend, it’s an old poem she wrote in 2005 when she was 15….a lot has changed since then, she would probably kill me if she read it on here. But I think it’s a beautiful write.

I was drawn to you from the first time we met

talking to you in the silver moonlight of December

I didn't know how to act around someone like you, I was young yet

Your strong, silent demeanor made me stutter...I wonder if you remember

We walked around the church searching for my choir

those 20 minutes felt like forever

I've heard in recent past that your interest in me was like fire

but while you had already loved another, I had never

I saw you, sometimes, in the ensuing weeks

and we flirted shyly with no regard to consequence

Those hours were few but induced wishes, and I learned what to seek...

though, knowing you had another, none of it made sense.

We got lost in each others' eyes sitting in your silver truck

parked in the lot by Olive Garden where Laura was waiting

Though amorous I was, my mind knew I would never have such luck

even if you chose me I could never hide from THEM our dating

You sat close to me at Friday's with your warmth and camel eyelashes...

my stomach filled with butterflies and I got a case of the giggles

listening to "Orion" I knew that I wanted you and my morals did clash

I felt pure attraction to you when you ticked me and I had the wiggles

I was crushed when you chose her over me

crying after you hung up the phone, I should have known better

than to start falling for a man who couldn't see

that he deserved to be treated better than what he let her

Although I tried (God how I tried), I never forgot

how I felt the Sun when I was near you

how when you spoke you made my cheeks grow hot

I wondered if I made you feel that way too

I tried to forget your clear blue eyes

and your voice that was a paradox in my soul.

I couldn't forget our awkward goodbyes

and how your absence left a surprising hole

I employed indifference with only my mind

ignoring any attempts of remembrance by my mutinous heart

I convinced myself that you weren't my kind

better off that our romance never did start

Little did I know but around this time

she gave your heart back as a box of confetti

how could I know that you wanted to be mine...

God saved our poor worn hearts for each other, for when we were ready

I met someone that I thought would be perfect

we shared many interests and I almost fell in love

A few dates later...we were learning how to be direct...

but I was blind to reason, and didn't see the signs from above

He told me in a rather frank fashion

that he was only with me to derive what he wanted

he was drowning in lust, an unchaste attraction

my heart turned to stone in an instant, and the thought of love daunted

Frozen in ice my heart did beat

met another and forced myself on

I tried to ignore the absence of heat

and how he was inevitably wrong

Every day I was with him I suppressed a thought

and tried not to remember how I saw your face sometimes when we kissed

I couldn't decide what was right and my heart and mind fought...

dreaded to think of you...what I might have missed.

The day arrived when my mind was decided

I left him, I crying, and him shivering on the swing set

you appeared in my mind like the Sun and my desires collided...

I still remember the day we first met.




  1. Your friend is very talented.  I loved this poem.

    I love poetry.

    She made me think of a poem I wrote a week ago.

  2. Our first love is usually unrequited leaving a taste of the bittersweet.  I like the poem, although rhyming tends to interrupt the images and mood.

  3. I think it was a beautifully written poem and the imagery really spoke to me.  The fact she did include specific places made the poem more of a statement to an individual then to a larger audience.

  4. Parts of this a really good. I'm sure it is literally true, but the line "We walked around the church searching for my choir

    those 20 minutes felt like forever" really struck me. Something about seeking a choir gave me a sense that there was something more than just sadness at a loss here.

    My advice, drop the Olive Garden and Fridays stuff and don't work so hard to make those lines rhyme. But, for 15, this is A-grade material. No BS--this is pretty good.

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