
Enlisting in college before basic training for the army?

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My friend is going to the army and before he leaves for basic training he wants to know if he can enlist in college or after basic training...can anyone help me find information on that for him please...any information would be appreciated




  1. He should wait, as he still has AIT to finish.

    Then, he will get orders to a permanent duty station, and can go to classes there.

  2. He could pass BCT and get his G.I Bill. This will let the Army pay for his college.

  3. A lot of posts have education centers, depending on the amount of people at the post. Sometimes, if there are enough students, they bring in a teacher. You can just take courses while you're in basic training. Also, if the education center isn't on post, you could go to a community or business college nearby and the Army will pay for it. You just have to work it out with the head honcho of your post.

  4. he can, even if he got accepted in senior year to a college or got a scolarship all scolarships and colleges will save your spot if you go into the armed forces "they wont however if you just get a free year neither in college nor in the forces"

  5. After basic training would be the best idea if he wants the military to pay for it. He needs to discuss it with his recruiter and make sure the military will take care of college for him, because I've heard of a lot of people joining under the false suspicion it was going to get paid for and for some reason they weren't qualifying


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