
Enlisting in the Air Force At seventeen

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what are the benifits?




  1. The only benefits of joining at 17 instead of 18 is you start your life earlier and you can RETIRE at 37.

  2. there are many benefits but you hae to choose and pick what fiend you want to be in and there are so many things you cna do and see the world also. take care and good luck

  3. Well being that the AF is one of the smallest branches of the US military, they don't offer as much as marines and Army as far as enlistment perks.  Many people will tell you that the Army will just send you to Iraq, and thats somewhat true.  The real and whole truth is it depends on the job YOU pick.  What advice i would give you is shop around to ALL the branches, and see which one offers you the most.  If youre going to step up and serve your country then get what this country owes you for being courageous.  Don't believe me take my simple test.

    Go onto, and pick 3 jobs that without a doubt you know that you would want to do.  Next, schedule a meeting with Army, AF, Navy, and Marine recruiter.  Then ask them if i take this job What do i get in benefits?  

    Your results should show like this, say for instance you said firefighter, the Army will guarantee that job before you join and then tell you what your bonuse will be and other enlistment perks.  Marines may get offended if you ask for bonuses or specific jobs (its all about your lucky to even be a marine, nothing wrong with that but get whats owed to you)  AF may offer you a bonus but cant guarantee the job until you get to MEPS and it may not even be available.  Navy will tell you your chances of getting that job and you roll the dice.

    Why take a job like firefighter and get no bonus but get the GI Bill, when you can take the exact same job, get the GI Bill, Army College Fund, up to 40,000 enlistment bonus, 3 or 6 year enlistment..catch my drift.

    I am proud of you whatever decision you make just make sure its about you first,  17 is a good age because you can retire at 37 and still have another career after the military, trust me coming from a 34 year old

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