
Enlisting this year....

by  |  earlier

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im gonna do the delayed entry program (im a junior in highschool) but what im wondering about is which out of the two (air force or army) would suit me? i want to do combat and i know the army has that, but i've also heard the air force has combat ( but i dont know about this). also , while enlisting how can i become a Ranger?(if i were to join the army) or is that even possible? do i need to be in the army and then apply or what?




  1. Well the Air Force's combat units are Security Forces (MP), Pararescue, Combat Controllers, and TACP. SF members can go to sniper school and ranger school. Pararescue work with special forces on combat search and rescue missions. Combat Controllers work with special forces and direct air traffic at remote bases. Tactical Air Control Party are with army ground units and call in close air support. As far as I know anybody can try ranger school if there are slots available.  

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