
Enlistment and non-reporting probation?

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Over the past few months I had been interviewing with various military recruiters. Am leaning towards the Marines. I just got an MIP and have to go to court. I know if I am sentanced to reporting probation I cannot enlist until complete. My recuiter says that I could enlist if I get non-reporting probation. Is that true? When I search on enlistment regs I don't see info on whether non-reporting disqualifies me or not.




  1. Reporting probation, no you cannot join until 30 days after completeing your probation time. Nonreporting probation, that is a case by case situation.

    4–37. Unsupervised probation

    a. Applicant may enlist if currently on unsupervised probation for certain nonviolent offenses and provided the individual has no restriction of movement, has paid all fines, and has completed all others conditions (such as community service or restitution), and no further court action is pending or contemplated.

    b. The offenses that apply to this rule are the following:

    (1) All minor traffic offenses as listed in para 4–8.

    (2) Certain typical minor nontraffic offenses, as listed in para 4–9. These offenses are limited to:

    (a) Curfew violation.

    (b) Damaging road signs.

    (c) Disorderly conduct (original charge); creating a disturbance; boisterous conduct.

    (d) Dumping refuse near a highway.

    (e) Jumping a turnstile (to include those States that adjudicate jumping a turnstile as petty larceny).

    (f) Juvenile adjudications (beyond parental control), incorrigible, runaway, truant, or wayward.

    (g) Littering.

    (h) Loitering.

    (i) Purchase, possession, or consumption of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products by a minor.

    (j) Robbing an orchard.

    (k) Vagrancy.

    (l) Violation of fireworks law.

    (m) Violation of fish and game laws.

    (n) Violation of leash laws.

  2. Ok if your recruiter told you that you can enlist with non reporting probation, and your recruiter is the very best source of current information, what makes you think it would be anything but true?

    Listen to your recrutier for he or she knows what they are doing

  3. i heard of some recruiters talking to the probabtion officer to get you off early. That's if you do some (maybe half) of your time already.  

  4. All of the answers above are correct.

    You can join the Navy with some types of unsupervised probation.

    You can join the Army with a few, specific types of unsupervised probation.

    Do not ask your recruiter to intervene on your behalf.  It is against the regs for him to do so.  If he needs you to join the Army that badly, he will offer to do so.

  5. You have two best answers already stated. First, explain to the judge you are processing for military enlistment and probation could delay your application and SECOND Listen to your recruiter. Your recruiter is trained to do a specific job and knows how to perform his duties. He or she is school trained on the regulations for recruiting.

  6. If your recruiter is telling you that you would still be eligible with non-reporting probation then he is correct. Recruiters have the most up-to-date information regarding recruitment regulations so they're the ones you should be listening to.

  7. If you are placed on probation that requires you to report to a probation officer, you will not be able to enlist until your probation is served and done.  If you tell the judge that you plan to enlist in the military, you may be able to get leniency as in non-reporting probation or even a suspended sentence.

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