
Enlistment background ckeck for the navy?

by  |  earlier

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I have just recently swore in to the navy, im on the delayed entry program, and its been about a month now and everything has been golden. Now they did an extended background check for my job in there. They found a DUI that should have never been on my record, because it got dropped to a wreckless driving. Now i have an interview set up with the background check people. What are the chances Im still going to stay in the navy?




  1. find some type of PROOF that it was supposed to be dropped

    be prepared take the proof with you

    I would think they will still accept you as they are desparate

    to fill spots that are vacated so you still have a good chance

    in fact I have heard they have helped guys/girls get out of

    legal woes and take them into service

    ask if it will affect your advancement chances

    good luck  

  2. You will stay in the navy, but be prepared to go to the courthouse to get court docs for proof.  Your job may be affected because of it, so be aware of that also.  You signed a release for info, so your recruiter has probably already been to the courthouse and faxed everything off to headquarters.  Tell your interviewers the same thing that you told us and you should be ok.

  3. well just like the ARMY the navy has waivers for such things.  i highly doubt however that if you took a job that requires a security clearance that you will be able to keep it.  most likely you will have to go through "reno" (renogiation) of your contract.

    and when they asked you if you had EVER been charged with ANYTHING you shouldve told them about this

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