I am getting ready to move out of my parents house. I am 19 years old, I make around $330/week(after taxes, deductions) at my job. I already know what my bills are going to be. They will be around $600/month. I already have $3500 to move out with. I don't drive a car because you don't really need a car where I live, I always ride my bicycle. I will have around $180/week extra, after all my bills are paid. What I was wondering is if $180/week is enough or do you think I am cutting myself short. I won't be spending it, I will be saving it. If I work a second job, I could have an extra $200/week, but it would get tiring pretty quick. Do you think I should work the second job, and have $380/week extra or do you think $180/week extra is enough.