
Enquiry Agent to Find a Debtor Who Ceased Trading (UK)

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An unscrupulous garage in Kent repaired my automatic transmission a few years ago and botched the job. I had legal assistance with my car insurance so chased him through the court, and won. But now, about 2 years later my acting solicitor tells me that the garage would not pay up and that "You will note that the debtor has ceased trading at the address provided and that the debtor has no saleable goods at the address. The Bailiff has been unable to locate the debtors whereabouts or movements."

Now the solicitor wants to "instruct an enquiry agent". To find the debtor, I assume. I don't think my free legal cover will want to pay for this being that I am not with them anymore, so where does that leave me?

If I have to pay for the enquiry agent myself, will I get this back from the debtor when he's found? What is it likely to cost? Is it a whole new court case to recover these costs?




  1. you wont have to pay if they find him but if they don't its more than likely your cut my loses while i was ahead

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