
Enrique Iglesias song in ITALY?

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Is there the song "SOMEBODY'S ME" by ENRIQUE IGLESIAS in Italian (in Italy)??

I want my Italian friend to hear it.

I don't understand if a song is translated, how could it still sound good?? It is so beautiful in English, but it would not rhyme anymore in Italian, right?




  1. In Italy we listen to Enrique Iglesias in English or Spanish. He never sings in Italian.

    When a song is translated to another language, it's modidified and adapted to sound good and rhyme.

  2. Alas, no. Enrique songs available in Italian are very few (I think just one of his album).

    His dad, a completely different story! :)

  3. not at all it would sound a mess

  4. I've only heard it being sung in English and Spanish.  I've never heard Enrique Iglesias singing in Italian.  Why don't you let your friend hear the song in English or Spanish and give him/her the translation in Italian?   Hugs.

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