
Enrollment at Primrose Schools?

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I was just curious without having to embarrass myself with touring a local Primrose school, how much do they usually run? I have a 19mo old and feel he needs to interact with more children his age and older. Does anyone have a child enrolled and how much does it run? Thanks!




  1. This can have many veriables depending on state and the local economy and the student to teacher ratio.  Generaly for a child that young it can range from 25 to 35$apx a day for a full day program but it is best to call.  Some schools allow part time enrollment but I don't know the fees as the one I worked for did not.  

    After years of Teaching preschool I want to say 19 months is Very early to start a child in preschool. if you are not working or if there is a smaller group setting.  They really can't benifit from preschool as much at this age as they can benifit from being with you or grandma or in a very small home childcare where they can get more attention.  Preschool is over rated.  It is good for 4 year olds who's parents do not have time to interact with them or do not know how to teach the basics such as letter sounds.  But at 2 they need a parent to be teaching them right form wrong.  Young preschoolers often learn bad social habits not "social skills"  

    Believe me your love at this time will teach them far more than they will learn in a school, no matter how beautiful the environment.

    Just a note most community centers offer mommy and me classes where he could interact and still have you close by and they run 5-10$ a class which is far better emotionaly.

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