
Ensure Plus For Weight Gain??

by Guest56950  |  earlier

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I am in recovery for anorexia and need to gain around 10lbs to stay out of the hospital. My mother and doctor recommend i drink 2 Ensure Plus a day in addition to regular meals and snacks. Are these drinks a good way to gain healthy weight? I am concerned about the sugar content and i am afraid they will make me gain weight in the wrong places. Also, are they known to cause bloating or gas? ( I think i have a mild case of IBS). Thanks!




  1. I have also had anorexia and used to have to have 4 ensure each day aswell as my extra meals. I recommend vanillia or banana they are the best flavours. The worst are fruits of the forest, peach and pineapple. They fill you up and arent horrendous to take. They take  time to get used to but they are good for you and are filled with vitamins and very low in saturated fat so its only the good stuff in them. They are much easier to drink than eating a large meal aswell. I highly recommend them but when i was first recommended them i did dig my heals in a tad. But good luck keep strong and get better because at the end of the day you are to good for anorexia. Its a parasite xxxxx

  2. You shouldn't worry about weight gain at all in your condition. But I have had a mild case of your problem and I drank Boost. They are practically the same things, so either one will work fine. I just think Boost tastes better.

    Here check this link out:

  3. with ensure you can gain weight

  4. drink them for about a week or so, and see how it treats your body. dont obsess. you are recovering from anorexia. never go back there again.

    help me?;...  thanks.

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