
Entering a bank... two rules one for us''''''

by  |  earlier

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in australia a person can not enter a bank with a motor bike helment on for security reasons. why then can a musslim where there berka full face into our banks and not be asked to remove it [ for security reasons ]




  1. If you really are serious about getting this law changed, you should start dressing in a burqa and commit a string of bank robberies.

    Otherwise, quit complaining!

  2. Because its there religion, and its not just muslims who can go into a bank with a burka, you probably could put a burka on and walk into a bank...

    And Im sorry I didnt get the point of this question, are you complaining about the banks, or muslims?

  3. Blame it on God.

  4. because muslims go to western civilized countries and expect them to change the rules in the name of religion. I totally disagree with it and there for blame the government for not putting the necessary measures. They are taking the p**s.

  5. Oh, the injustice! You see, i belong to a religion which requires me and my furry brethren  to wear  motor biking helmets at all times, and this security measure of which you speak has forced me to convert my money into stale corn muffins, which i keep in little orange buckets behind my chicken shed. la lala lala

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