
Entering high school with a speech impediment problem?

by Guest59207  |  earlier

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Hi i am going to be a freshman in high school and have a big problem saying my r and er sounds. I was wondering how much this would affect me and I already know kids will laugh at me and think I'm a r****d but at least I know the smart ones wont. I was just wondering what I can do to help me block out these kids. and how this will effect me in high school thank you very much for your answers




  1. I use to too!

    Like honestly i couldn't say R's for the life of me but if you just focus on putting the sides of your tongue on your back molars, and pulling back the tip of your tongue, then you can say them, I can't to this day say rl's

    but its psychological, not physical.

  2. I wouldn't worry about it. In middle school, I got made fun of for things. But you will be suprised to know that high school kids are usually a little more accepting than middle school kids. Its a bigger school with more people, so everybody has there friends and nobody usually wants to go out of there way to tease somebody.

    Confidence is key to avoid teasing. If you look like you don't care about your impediment, then people won't notice it as much. :) good luck

  3. OMG I have the same problem! Like saying "real world" is a pain for me. Have you tried slowing down when you talk it helps me out a lot. Have you thought about signing up for a speech class or getting help from teachers in your school.  I took speech classes in grade school and they helped a lot.  For me it has to do with tongue placement I put my tongue in the wrong place when I say some of my words. Hold your head high! No one is perfect!! Have fun in school!  

  4. i have had trouble saying things in the past.

    having to say them over and over again can get embarrassing

    but as long as you have thought out your answer, who can argue with it?

    make them eat their laughs with your great comments, and make sure to take your sentences slowly.

  5. get some speech therapy. my bro got it and he said it wasnt that bad. b4 he went he refused to go but normally they play games w/ u and stuff so its not that bad.

  6. Youll probably just be a looser that doesnt have friends and people will laugh at you.

  7. you ignore them and think what a bunch of ignorants

  8. I would suggest you make it know to everyone, just like you did here.

    I truly do not think it will effect you as much as you think.

    Try not to worry about it.

    Maybe just point to your mouth and say problem with speech.

    Excuse me. and just talk then.

    It will be alright. You sound like a wonderful person, speech does

    not matter as much as the person themselves!

    Just as a note, My husband had a speech impediment, that was

    70 years ago....don't laugh...sounds really ancient..Lol

    and he had to go to private tutor to learn how to speak better.

    It worked, and if he had not told me, I would not have known either.

    He said they taught him how to overcome it by using his tonque with

    his voice. Later on in life, he found out that when he was born

    that under his tonque ( everybody) the muscle under the tonque

    should have been cut, so the tonque could go out more, therefor

    he could have spoken easier.

    When our son was born, he had the same thing. The Doctors

    snipped it, and therefor he did not have any problems like my husband did. I would have never known to ask the Doctors to check it out,

    if my husband did not have that problem.

    Do not know if that is in your case, have it checked out.

    and Not to worry, you will be fine. If anyone makes fun of you,

    just ignore them, they are not worth your time.

    Congraduations to becoming a freshman.

    Watch out world, here you come!!

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