
Entering public school for the first time...?

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Would it be a bad idea for a girl to enter public high school after being homeschooled/in and out of private schools her entire life? My mom let my brother but she will not let me 'because I'm a girl and public school girls are nasty'. That's the only reason. I'm wondering if this is all just c**p she's making bad can it be?




  1. if you don't get used to it now, think of how you'll feel when college comes...and then a real job.  You can't avoid it and it's best to start interacting with other people, nasty or not, while you're still in a contained environment

  2. its horrrible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i left because of all the bitchin and back stabbin. if you dont have to dont put yourself through it. but thats in england i would love to go to an american school

  3. have you seen the movie mean girls?

    seriously watch it.

    you will find ALL your answers.

  4. Public school IS below the homeschoolers academics.

    The kids in schools are not nice. There is bullying, fighting, picking on you, disrespecting teachers, laziness, just plain don't care about nothing.

    I dont' have time to explain it all here, but public schools don't teach anymore because of the NCLB law and state testing.  Here - I'll cut and paste this from another question I answered-

    These tests are a part of the NCLB law. This law mandates that kids are to take state tests every year to see how well the SCHOOLS are doing, and NOT the child. It does not affect the childs grades what so ever.

    The better the scores, the MORE MONEY the school gets.

    So, schools are doing ridiculous things to get that money, and *&*(&^% if the kids learn anything or not.

    Teachers can not TEACH anymore, kids can not LEARN anymore. It's not the teachers fault. Their administrators tell them to do ANYTHING to get that money. And they tell the teachers HOW to do this.

    So, they do things like this 'review packet'. They do other things like having the kids 'practice' on websites at home, have extra homework because of this, let kids be in after school programs to raise their test scores.

    (I have to say here that this after school program is NOT to help the child with THEIR grades, it is to help the SCHOOL get MORE MONEY. I know, my daughter was in this program for 2 yrs before I learned the truth. The school would not tell me or anyone else the TRUE reason for this 'program'.

    The teachers now spoon feed the kids information to 'memorize' like robots so they can pass the tests so the school can GET MORE MONEY!

    ALL they teach in schools now is what is on these tests. In short, the SCHOOLS are CHEATING by GIVING the kids the ANSWERS to these tests so they can GET MORE MONEY!!

    What's more, the schools DO NOT tell the kids that these test scores do NOT reflect on their grades. They tell them things like they will fail if they don't pass. I know in Texas this IS true, but I'm in GA and teacher told my 2nd grade grandson this, which is NOT true!

    Schools are doing things like cheating and changing the low test scores to show that the answers are right, and omitting the lowest test scores all together. It was in Yahoo news that GA is doing this, and the state dept of education is ALLOWING them to do this!

    BUt like everything else in public schools, the schools do NOT get in trouble for this.

    The schools are now churning out little robots that will know NOTHING, can't think for themselves, will NOT know how to cope with adult life, they are bored and too stressed out with school.

    ANd this is the future of our WHOLE COUNTRY!!

    I call it COMMUNISM. Not knowing how to think for them selves and already conditioned to have others tell them what to do.


    I can't understand for the life of me how some kids FAIL these tests when teh teachers are GIVING them the answers all year long ! This is ALL they give them!!

    I wish there was a way to get this out to public knowledge, the NCLB law is disguised as helping the children be on grade level for READING, and nothing more. BUT, you see what is happening. How is all THIS helping the children to READ!!

    MOST parents don't know that their children are turning into communist robots.

  5. Public school girls aren't nasty.  I really don't like when people use those stereotypes about us.  Most of us are truly hardworking students, but may come from disadvantaged famailies and can't afford private school.  The education of public and private schools are about the same (and I know because I have been to both).  Don't worry, you'll make friends and do really well.  Try a year of public school and see how you'll like it.  Your mother may be happier too, because she doesn't have to pay, like in a private school.

    Good luck

  6. ive been homeschooled all my life and i started going to a public high school last year.  its true that there is a lot of bad language and you have to deal with bad students, but i think its worth it.  ive made a lot of friends and had a lot of fun here.  also, you're going to have to deal with all that stuff at some point.  why not get used to it now to prepare for later.  and to make your mom feel better, you could tell her that this way, if you do have trouble adjusting, she'd be there to help, unlike college.  overall, i think public high school is a lot of fun and a great experience.

  7. Well, I went to public school for one year only (9th grade) and I can tell you stuff happened there that didn't happen at the private schools I went to.

    Believe it or not, sometimes moms actually know what they're talking about.

  8. Its definitely different. People who start public school late in their education have a hard time to catch up on the same social skills other kids have picked up. This makes it hard for them to fit in.

    Public school is not that bad except for a lot of bad language and inapropriate gossip.

    I believe you will be able to have a better start in life after going through public school because you get an unbarred view of the social higharchy; you aren't as protected from real life. The people in public school are the people you will be associated with when you step out into the real world. Knowing how to get along or just get by is an advantage.

  9. She's right, public school girls are nasty...They tend to become whores, strippers, and hookers...Wait....

    Depending on your public school, there are nasty private school girls.  How do you think the fantasy of the school girl uniform came from?

    There is truth that public schools are not the prime area for children of character so I don't know....I would stick with private schools.....

  10. You need to explain to your mom that you are aware that there are some negative things that happen in school, but that as long as the child attending school has a strong supportive family and good solid morals... then the student will be perfectly fine in a public school.  It is a misconception that all of the students who attend public school are bad, immoral, drug using, s*x crazed maniacs (who are often referred to as wolves).  Many homeschooling families think that public schools are full of bullies, s*x crazed kids, drugs, violence...etc... and that is far from the truth.  The good students outweigh the bad ones greatly.  Let your mom know that you are smart and strong, and that she has equipped you with the tools necessary to resist temptation.  Allow her to give you some limitations (such as no boyfriends until __age).

    edit... Sorry, but I have to respond to some of the answers I have read...  If a majority of public school girls became hookers and drug users, the epidemic would be much much worse than it is.  Also, the education is not inferior...  Homeschoolers don't grow up to be genius' or anything above and beyond what children in public school achieve.  The generalizations and stereotypes of public school children really annoy me.

  11. I go to public school and most people find their niche. There are some s***k girls but there are some great girls too that are really helpful and nice.

    Research the public schools in your area. Ask you mom to just take you to them and look them over. That way she can see they are not that bad.

    Did she go to public school? Did she have a bad expericen? Was she nasty? Ask her questions like that.

    Tell her you want companionship and friends and stuff like that and that it would be beneficial later in life. Beside you could play sports or join clubs that you have an interest in.

    School is like everwhere. There are good people and bad people. There are smart people and stupid people. There are helpful people and mean people. You have to pick your friends right if you want friends.

    I live in a large city and am not from a wealthy area but there are still really good people in my school.

  12. girls at public schools are meaner

    trust me

    youd be better off at a public one as long as its not in the ghetto

  13. It will depend on the school. I know some homeschooled high school girls where I live who do NOT want to go to high school because they do have contact with public schooled girls here and they do not want to live that all day, 5 days a week. But that's how the public school girls are here (not all, but most this one girl I know sees regularly as part of her sports training): nasty, sleep with their boyfriends even as young as 14, a couple got pregnant at 15 and 16 and were proud of it, one recently told the group that she has herpes (she's 17--lucky girl, she gets to live with outbreaks the rest of her life or be on medication for it the rest of her life), the homeschooled girl I know (she's 16) gets harrassed and looked down on because she hasn't slept with someone yet, won't sneak out of the house to go to parties and doesn't get drunk or stoned on a regular basis. Yes, it really is that bad. I overhear things among groups of girls just being at the mall. But, that's here. Where you live, it might be better. But it could even be worse.

    Other than that, a potential problem could be that they might not recognize your work and you could be forced to start out as a freshman.

    Btw, "normal" doesn't necessarily mean "good".

  14. It really depends where the school is, and the size of the school itself.  I go to public school, but it's also in a small town (pop. 1200), with about 200 kids K-12.  Public school girls aren't "nasty," as your mom so wonderfully put it.  Not all of them anyway.  I've actually heard that there's less drama than private schools.  You'd do fine at a public school, I'm sure.  They're not bad at all, if you focus on the right things.

  15. well

    public school girls are nasty

    but you will find people that arent and they will become your good friends


    good luck

  16. Some of it is c**p. Bottom line mom does not trust public school. As if nothing ever happens in private school. You will need to understand that public school will challenge who you are and what you have been taught.

    Can you be true to who you are and stand up against the rage. If so them talk this over with mom.

  17. Depends where you live, if you have friends in public school.  It is part of life that you will be missing out on.

  18. I think she is just saying those things to discourage you into going to a public school.  I went to a public school for my entire education, except for one year (10th grade), I went to a private school.

    There is a difference in the type of people at the public school vs. private school level.  However you have to also realize something, out in reality you aren't separated by the so-called "good" people and "nasty" people.  You have to work with people of both types and deal with them on a daily basis.  Public schools are a good way for students to interact with people from different backgrounds and feel comfortable around them, as they would if it were just their friends.

    Sure public school will have the rowdy kids and the trouble makers because they are unable to keep them out like how private schools do.  But even the best private schools have their share of rowdy kids and trouble makers.  Just in the public school you are exposed to it more, but in a sense it's better for you.

    I hope your mom does let you go to a public school.  I have had some friends who had a hard time adjusting while they went off to college because they were only home-schooled.  Or some of them who went to private schools had a hard time adjusting to the larger classroom sizes of a public university.

  19. If someobody messes with you scream and ***** about it and act crazy thats what I did and ppl were afraid of me, dont get me wrong I would never bully someone but you need to fight back sometimes thats part of life...

  20. Honestly, it depends on the school and what kind of person you are. I was homeschooled through 8th grade, but my parents and I decided that I should try public high school my freshman year. It wasn't that bad, but it was boring. They put me in 9th grade when they should have put me in 10th (just because I was 13!) I still have a few friends from that school, and trust me, they are far from normal. Two of them are in jail (DUI and underage possession), over half of them are addicted to beer, and at least three of them smoke pot. And this is in a school of 400 people, grades 7-12. If you can convince your mom that you want to be around that... that's your choice. But I'd definitely recommend against it.

  21. I'm glad you want to go back!

    I hate being homeschooled....

    I can't wait to go back....

    Tell her that, you feel that by being homeschooled you're missing out on life!



    You only have one life to live....

    Don't regret not going back....And missing out!


    All my best!

    Email me if you would want to talk about this further....



  23. You shouldn't be sheltered your whole life, I understand your mom wants to protect you but she needs to let you go through the public school experience. All your life you're going to be exposed to be these people. You might as well get used to them now...hope that helps :)

  24. I've been to public school my whole life and they are not that nasty........just dramatic

  25. It depends on where you go, how pretty you are, and how nice you are, and how rich you are. If your pretty nice and rich, it'll be fine. High school isn't that bad, you just have to hang out with the right crowd. Ask your mom to give you a chance. Find a group you feel you fit in, with nice girls and what not and show your mom that some girls are nice. If you do feel terrible, just tell your mom you don't feel comfortable. But beleive, public school is fun. All that drama... and you get a clean slate, find a best friend, and have fun!!!

  26. Depends. Where do you live?

  27. home school people dont socialize as much as public school people. the only major difference is that public schools develop speech. it also depends on the school and what type of people go to the school. 85% of the are likely to meet the non-nasty people.

  28. Well I don't consider myself Nasty, nor my sister, nor all of my class mates.  I spent my whole schooling life at public schools.  And in all courses of live their are nasty people, and school is no exception be that Public or Private.  

    There are some really good public schools just as there are private.

    I send my son to a public school due to financial constraints, but it is a good school with good teachers and they have great principals in regards to how the students treat each other.  Bulling is not tolerated and they learn to respect each other as individuals and to help each other.  To strive for excellence in all areas of their study.  Its a brilliant school and he loves going there.

    I would love the opportunity to send my child to a private school maybe at Highschool level if finances allow.  For the extra curriculum and prestiage that goes with the school and maybe the connections he might make.  But if when the time comes if it is not doable, he will go to a public highschool of our choosing.  

    I think you have to do your homework and find a school with a good reputation and speak to parents of students attending etc..  Your parents are over exaggerating the situation, they probably only want the best for you and Private Schooling is the best.  But the Public Schooling System is by no means totally inferier.  I think a lot of it comes down to each student, if you want to do well you will.

    Best of luck.

  29. I go to publica school, and im nice....not everyone in public school is "nasty" just some....and she shouldn't generiaze...and also, to be honest, your mom seems to be kind of sexist, for letting your brother in and not you, that is not cool at all

    i had a friend and switched to publica, after being homeschooled and she in doing great

  30. Some girls are nasty but others are nice

    you'll find people who are nice and are like you and become friends with you

    the sterotype for the "popular" girls to be mean isnt entirly true.

    some wannabes in my school are really nasty

    and some "popular" people are but others are really nice and talk to you and stuff

    i like my friends but i just hate the town i live in general

    it depends on your town as a whole and how people are raised but i dont see why you shouldnt go its good to experience different things to get you readt for the real world good luck :]

  31. It depends on where you live what it might be like, but kids will be kids regardless. I can tell you it will be culture shock to you. It is totally different from Private and homeschooling.

    I graduated in 1988 right before things started to go downhill in the school system. Man if you have the chance to stay out of that h**l hole do it.

    Believe me it is bad!! If you live in a tiny country town somewhere it isn't, but here in California the Public Education stinks bigtime. It is actually scary to go to the Public Highschools and I am in a smaller town. This is coming from the local teens talking about everything that goes on in the schools and the girls are the worst. backstabbing- bullies-etc.

    Please listen to your Mom she knows what is best for you and knows what she is talking about. I can guarantee you are gonna come back and say, "Mom you were right I should have listened to you."

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