
Entertaining a moody 3 yr old.....?

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OK, tonight I'm babysitting my 3 yr old cousin. She is very independent and headstrong. When she doesnt get her way she throws a total fit. She even insults her mother. I need a way of keeping her happy while her mom & my mother are gone. Does anyone have any suggestions?




  1. Find out what her favorite music is, then have her dance and/or dance with her

  2. play some music  (high beat like hiphop but no swearing) and dance w/ her....once she gets cranky try hitting urself in the head and pretend like it was an accident...or "accidentally" trip and fall....i have a 4 year old bro and he loves it when i "hurt" myself

  3. Put on some music and let her dance her little legs off.....then pop in a DVD and hopefully, she'll be peaceful for you!

  4. pots and pans plastic bowls and a plastic spoon or spatula sit in the floor and stir bang and laugh

  5. Put her to bed early. Maybe pop some corn and put a movie on with the lights off. She will fall asleep.

  6. Give her time outs when she starts throwing a tantrum. She needs to learn that behavior is unacceptable. Her mother needs to be in this with you. You can't just let your kids do whatever they want. Aside from that, put on some music and dance with her. If she's independent then let HER make suggestions on what she would like to do.

  7. take some chalk and do hopskotch on the porch floor.

    do simon says and let her run it at times- take turns

    maybe read to her- does she have reading time?- help her create a story book.

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