
Entertaining things to do on a long airplane ride??? >.<?

by  |  earlier

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i am gonna be going to Florida on August 11 and i need something entertaining to do (: i think i have a stop in Atlanta. and then on august 15 my family and i are gonna be driving up to Miami and that takes about 4 hours and i need something entertaining to do on the airplane ride and on the car ride. any suggestions?? (: thank you :D




  1. get some of your friends to write you some plane letters to read, with like puzzles and nice things like that.

  2. Portable DVD player, read a book, play Soduko, sleep, portable gaming system (DS, PSP)...

  3. Find someone to join the Mile High Club with you!

  4. Seven hour flight? Where are you flying from?

    And are you saying that Miami is a 4 hour drive from Atlanta? It&#039;s closer to 12 than to 4.

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