
Entertainment for a 14 month old?

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Hi everyone I have a 14 month old daughter, at times she is clingy and I can't get much done around the house because she wants to be held. I have an older daughter is who almost 4, she and the 14 month old sometimes play together but the 4 y/o can be quite rough at times and someone always ends up getting hurt. The 4 y/o often annoys the 14 month old too. What activities could they both do together and seperately (the 4 y/o does things like arts and crafts and games etc when the 14 month old goes down for a nap) but when shes up she either wants me constantly or she gets into every cupboard in the house. Any suggestions?




  1. take them to the park, give them both a book to read or for the 14 month a picture book to look at, give them sum pots and pans and wooden spoons to play with they love the noise and you get some time to clean up and do what you need to, give them boxes to play with, paper seems to work too, i have a 15mth old son and he loves to do all these things,

  2. Barney!! My 2 love to watch it together and the 30 minutes gives me a chance to run around the house and clean up!  Then I would go to and you can print out Barney pictures for them to color together.  For the little one i would Tape the paper to her high chair or on the floor so she will not crumble it.  When they are done make a big deal of the artwork and hang it on the fridge.  Another thing I have noticed works great is edible play dough and painting with pudding again on the High chair for the little one and table for the 4 y/o the pudding can be messy so I have also used cool whip!  Good Luck to you!

    Kool-Aid Play Dough

    1 cup flour

    1 cup water

    1/2 cup salt

    3 teaspoons Cream of Tartar

    1 package Kool-Aid Mix (any flavor of unsweetened)

    1 tablespoon cooking oil

    Mix dry ingredients together in a large saucepan. Slowly add water mixed with oil and stir over medium heat until mixture thickens to dough. Turn out onto a heatproof bread board or counter top and knead until cool enough for children to handle. Dough will be the color of the Kool-Aid mix and will smell like the Kool-Aid mix. (Can be stored in a tightly covered container for up to six months)

    Jell-O Play Dough

    1 cup flour

    1/2 cup salt

    1 cup water

    1 tablespoon oil

    2 teaspoons Cream of Tartar

    1 (3-1/2 oz.) package "unsweetened" Jell-O

    Mix all ingredients together and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly until consistency of mashed potatoes. Let cool and knead with floured hands until dry.

    Storage: This recipe needs to cool completely "before" storing it in an airtight container!

    Note: The items made from this play dough recipe can be painted when they are dry.

    Hope these Help

  3. buy your daughter a pop up book or a book that she will enjoy and buy her a small teddy bear that she will enjoy playing with

    hope i help bye

  4. You get this real cool cds on some animated bears and cartoon characters trust me they work,i have a brother and my parents did the same thing

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