
Entropy and the Brain????? PLZ?

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If a law of thermodynamics states that the net entropy in the universe will not spontaneously decrease then where does the disorder go when our brain organizes itself into pathways and becomes more orderly?




  1. The energetic state of the universe is not changed by the existence of living things. Humans start from a single cell, and initially grow and develop due to a net energetic gain from the mother. Once born, humans continue to gain energy from food, and part of that energy is used to create and maintain complexity.  The complexity of the brain is maintained by external energy from food.  When you die, the tissues breakdown into their constituent compounds and elements because that complexity cannot exist without considerable energy consumption through cellular metabolism.  Over a lifespan, there is no net gain or loss.

  2. Think of gravity pulling a car down a hill. Now, place the car on top of a roller coaster track with a loop. The car rolls down the track but it suddenly opposes gravity when it reaches the loop. Entropy appears to have been reversed, but in fact it is just a clever illusion.

    In the case of human brains, they are the result of many decades of eating very complicated foods consisting of highly organized molecules. The human body breaks down everything into carbon dioxide and water, two extremely simple molecules. In doing so, entropy is increased. After 18 years, the result is 3 pounds of incredibly complicated brain and about 100 tons of incredibly uncomplicated molecules of CO2 and H2O.  

    Now, concider the fact there is probably less than 100 tons of human brain on a planet whose weight is measured in a number containing about 18 zeroes. Next, concider the fact  this is the only known place in the universe this brain material exists. Concider how much the universe must weigh.

    Perhaps the question really ought to be why are our brains not MORE complicated than they allready are??

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