
Entry by business tour in canada,after never return,is he can be immigrant in canada?

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Entry by business tour in canada,after never return,is he can be immigrant in canada?




  1. No.  As soon as he is caught by the authorities, he will be deported back to his homeland.

  2. If someone comes to Canada for a business trip or as a tourist for vacation, and then they do not leave after the allotted time on their visa (or after six months if no visa is required), then they are violating the terms of their entry agreement to Canada.

    They are then considered an illegal immigrant and can be deported back to their country of origin, or their country of nationality. In rare cases, if they might face persecution or death by returning home, they can apply for refugee status, in which case a court would hear their case and determine if there is any validity to why they stayed and their claims that they cannot return home.

    In general, it is a much simpler process and less chance of refusal if you apply to become an immigrant legally, as Canadian immigration officials take cases of illegal immigration very seriously.

    And if you apply legally and are refused, then try to come here on a business trip and refuse to leave, you are almost guaranteeing yourself a deportation and a criminal conviction in Canada.


    check the details at the official cdn. immigration site

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