
Entry level Warrant Officer School(Aviation training).Does family get to come after basic training completion?

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this is for entry level enlistment into the WOCS....

General Warrant Officer Flight Training Information

Basic Training lasts nine weeks and is conducted at any location responsible for Basic Training. Warrant Officer Candidate School (WOCS) lasts six weeks and four days at Fort Rucker, Alabama (WOCS is an intensive course of military and academic development for all Warrant Officers). Initial Entry Rotary Wing qualification consists of 40 weeks of flight training at Fort Rucker, Alabama.

I just cant find out if I will be able to take my child and my wife along with me when I go and I cant get in touch with my recruiter at the moment.




  1. This course is very aggressive and as a WOC, you do not need any distractions. I went through the Warrant Officer Candidate Course at Fort Sill, OK . It lasted eight weeks and then i had to go through a Tech track which lasted for nine months. I had my family there, but i had no free time to spend with them. Don't think that the WOC is a simple walk through because it is not. If you want to become a Warrant, you have to earn it. If i had it to do again, i would leave my family at home with my parents. Best of luck to you!

  2. After BCT, you will go to WOCS for 6 weeks. After you graduate from WOCS, you will be authorized to move your family to Ft. Rucker for the duration of Flight School.  

  3. My husband is going through this program (WOFT) right now.

    the Army will pay to relocate your family. the WOCS program is a six week resident course, which means  you have to live in barracks. they Army will not pay to move your family down there. it will have to be out of pocket for you. However, if you do move them down there, they will qualify for housing. you will be stationed at Fort rucker, al (welcome to small town America). prepare for living in the middle of no where. Wal-mart is the closest retail store you have. the rest of civilization is about 30 min down the road in Dothan. they do have a regional airport there.

    and 40 weeks isnt correct. you will hit bubbles. it would be 40 weeks if   you got out of one class and started another the next day. right now it breaks down to this:

    WOCS - 6 weeks

    then WOFT breaks down to this:

    SERE - three weeks resident (you will not be allowed to go home, but your family will already be down here)

    Dunker - two days

    BOLIC 3A - three weeks


    and so on.

    right now the bubble from bolic to areo med is over six weeks long. more like two months.

    HOWEVER, it depends who you are with.

    if you are a west point grad, then you are pushed ahead of everyone and you will get through the fastest (still doesnt mean you family can move down during WOCS)

    then national guard gets pushed through

    last, but not least is active duty. so you sit and wait until spots open up. we are AD so we wait. dh is on a 6 week detail right now waiting for areo med.

    if you have more questions ask. ill be on all night

  4. You will get some say yes and some say no. Wait until you can get on the line with the recruiter.

    So you want to be "Peter Pilot". You might want to keep yourself a little more grounded than the name you have chosen suggests. I was in an OH 58 hit by hunters in Germany. We took a 30.06 thru the VHF shark fin. They were not organized in trying to shoot us down, they were pissed that "Peter Pilot" was herding a buck in a circle below us.

    The guy's on the flight line would have fun with the hard chargers too. Adding switches to the overhead and tagging them "Do Not Operate" and then taking pictures of them flipping it back and forth not knowing what it was.

    Don't p**s of the guys keeping you safely in the air young man or they will have fun with you.

    Good Luck and pay very close attention to your flight instructors. I saw guy's disappear after doing not so smart things while airborne.

    SSG US Army 73-82


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