
Entschuldigung bitte,wunderbar kiene wunderba!!!l.o.l alles klar? what does this mean i think it is german?

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is he calling me not wonderful then lol...what is that supoose to mean




  1. it doesn't make much sence.

    but: "excuse me please, wonderful none wunderful!!!"

    and it depends what meaning "alles klar" is supposed to have.

    with a question mark it usually means "is everything allright?"

    or it means "did you understand?"/"you get it?"

    but with an exclamation it is like "looking good" or "sweet!" so stating that everything is fine.

    in the context i would tend to "did you understand?"/"you get it?"

  2. Well like I always say, depends on what part of Germany you are in. North, Central, or South. I speak southern (bavarian/austrian) German. So that pretty much means:

    Excuse me please, wonderful, never wonderful! LOL! All is clear?

    Bitte schön, wunsche ich Sie eine guten Tag! Viel spaß viel Glück.

    Your welcome, i wish you a good day! Lots of fun, lots of luck.

  3. Says basically

    Excuse me please, wonderful not wonderful!!! lol all is clear.

    That is a basic translation. a Native can give you an exact translation but i know this is close for i do speak German just i am not native. it is also not a proper sentence either making it harder for me.

    Hope that helps some

  4. not exactly: it is german, but kiene is wrong written and does not make sense. Exactly translated it says:

    excuse please, wonderful, none wonderful. all right? it does not make sense, and the person who wrote it sure is not german!?

  5. "alles klar" does not mean "is that clear" i would translate that with "how are you".

  6. 'excuse me, does it make sense, is it clear'

  7. it means "excuse me please, wonderful not wonderful!!!! is that clear?" roughly

    and it is german

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