
Enumerate the choices,decisions and actions.which are influenced by people and events?

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Enumerate the choices,decisions and actions.which are influenced by people and events?




  1. Not  a whole  lot of specifics  here so I am  at a loss but will trey my best anyway/

    Racism (Hitler) He  probably  thought he  was doing something  good  to make a better  place  but  obviously not  he  was a horrible  person  and  wanted ALL Jews  to die  because f  what ever reason So here is Racism at its best/

    other  events

    Friedrich Nietzsche  said   the  20th  century  would  be  the  bloodiest of  any other Century because  the  world  was  much more peaceful in the  19th century He  was  right not  that I like  it.

    Columbus  thought he  was in India  so he  called   the  people "Indians". but  emapathy was  a way of looking at  issues In  different  Way. "Within ther own shoes  (so to speak)

    Religion we gave  Free choice of  that so I don't get upset but tree are I am  sure  ten million ways of  being true  even though truth by  definition is exclusive. (Sorry Oprah) I guess I can go on but it desnt realy end. i hope this answer was what you were trying to get at (understand) and thanks for asking

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