
Enviormentally Friendly?

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I recently heard about Earth Hour and ever since have been inspired. My question is what can I do to be more eco friendly. I don't drive a car but what are some things I can personally do around the house?




  1. You can make Earth Hour a part of your daily life. You can start by switching off all lights and electronics in your household for an hour each day. Also everytime you shower, stay in for a minute less and don't use too much hot water. It conserves electricity. There are ways to be "green" in every aspect you can think of. For better health you can eat organic. There are also organic clothing lines. Recycling definatly contributes to this matter. For more information check out the website below.

  2. Turn your thermostat to 69 degrees. Support crops grown locally. Don't buy more clothes then you need. Don't support anything made in China (poor environmental regulations there).  Use less paper.

  3. You can do many things, such as try to save water when you watering your garden. Use bubbly water.

    You can switch off lights when its not in use.

    Dont use car or bike when you are going place near to your home. Try to use bicycle or walk through there.

    There are some more ideas, I am sharing with other people.

    IF you want you can also comment on that or suggest more ideas so others can save planet.


  4. Use less electricity, turn off the lights when you don't need them on. Recycle everything recyclable. Also their is a household item that makes your trash into fertilizer. (just a thought). Use less water, shorter showers, turn off water when it doesn't need to be on.

  5. Use less water.  Use less electricity.  Don't buy stuff from China - they are terrible polluters due to poor pollution controls, plus the stuff has to be shipped over here.  Buy American.

    Create more CO2.

    Really, plants are starved for CO2.  They grow much better when they have more of it, which is why greenhouse growers have artificial CO2 generators to help them grow with a 'greenhouse effect'.

  6. There are so many things! First start by educating yourself.

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    Commit to using less, buying less, powering down more. Conserve, conserve, conserve. Get creative. After doing some research, you're mind will be reeling with ideas.

    Just remember not to get overwhelmed with trying to do too much at one time. Many people tyr to jump in head first and it becomes too much so they quit. Start with baby steps. When your first step becomes habit, go onto the next step.

    The blog up there offers weekly tips so that you can focus on one thing at a time.

  7. Replace your incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescents.  Fluorescents are more expensive (but the cost is going down), but they'll save an incredible amount of energy, which translates into lower electricity bills for you, and less energy used by your electric company.  Incandescents actually burn up most of their energy by emitting heat, not light.

    Unplug whatever you can when you're not using it--toasters, TVs, etc.  Even when they're turned off, appliances suck energy from the outlet.  

    Wash clothes with cold water whenever possible--and it's almost always more "possible" than you think.

  8. - Do not make pollution, be careful about it.

    - Try to use recycle things.

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