
Enviornment safe lightbubl?

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Can anyone give me information on the energy efficient/environment friendly light bulbs. I am becoming more involved in “saving our planet” and want to put in the light bulbs that will be better. Don’t they save you money in the long run? Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!





  1. lifetime

    Modern CFLs typically have a lifespan of between 6,000 and 15,000 hours, whereas incandescent lamps are usually manufactured to have a lifespan of 750 hours or 1000 hours.

    energy use

    typical incandescent lamps are around 2% efficient and domestic CFLs are currently 7%-8% efficient

    so yes overall you will be better off buying fluorescent lights. no matter how you look at it.

    health risks

    they can give you a headache ,if you have a high flicker fusion threshold. you can use electronic ballasts, they cost Little more but they largely solve the problem.

    the noise they sometimes make is largely due to malfunctioning ballasts and replacing them is relatively easy.

  2. energy-saving light bulb

  3. Yes they are the bulbs that are a spiral shape.  There are several out on the market and they are becoming less expensive than in the past.  They supposedly last from 5 - 7 years depending upon usage.  And they take less electricity to run the same wattage as the regular bulbs.  I am in the process of changing over all my bulbs to the new ones.

  4. Since people have already told you about the bulbs, I only wanted to add that big stores like Costco and Sams Club sell packages that come out to about 1.50$ per bulb, which is very reasonable.

  5. I am stocking up on incandescent bulbs.  If these flourescent bulbs were really better, the varoius governmental agencies would not have to force people to buy them.

  6. Not only will you save energy, you'll also reduce mercury pollution.

    Fossil fuels contain mercury.  Using incandescent bulbs causes more mercury to be emitted from power plants.  More than the tiny amount (0.005 grams or less) that is in a CFL.

    It's better if you dispose of old CFLs properly so that even the tiny amount of mercury is not released.  But, no matter how they're disposed of, CFLs reduce mercury pollution.

  7. Compact fluorescents (CFL) will save energy and money. Look for LED light bulbs soon these are even more efficient than the CFL

  8. To my knowledge, there are articles you can find online regarding CFLs on the EPA website as well as  If you are going to change to CFLs it it more cost effective and energy efficient.  You should also check on properly cleaning up if a bulb should break - they say do not vacume and you should ventilate the room if this happens.  It would also be a good idea to check into proper disposal of CFLs.  There are some stores that will take them when it comes time to dispose of the - most cities and counties have HHW collection days to enable residents to dispose of these properly.

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