
Enviornmental science diversity in crops?

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most agricultural crops are genetically uniform, why might the usual importance of genetic diversity not apply to food crops?




  1. Mutation Mutation Mutation Most food crops consumed today are all but mutatant

  2. it does apply...

    genetic diversity in crops is extremely important

    if everything is uniform, it will not provide you with enough nutrients...

    Everything degrades.. you can't just continue the genetic seed of a uniform plant species without its genetic material breaking down over time.

    New genetic material MUST be introduced or eventually the tomato will have degrade and have no vitamin/nutrient and it will taste like c**p.

    Did you ever go to the farmers market and taste those beautifully-colored, awkwardly-shaped tomatoes??

    They are delicious!! That is genetic diversity.

    Did you ever go to Albertsons and taste their uniform genetically altered tomatoes?

    They taste like nothing and pesticides.

    So yes, it is very important. Unless  you are corporate America...

  3. Most agriculture crops are genetically uniform to provide a product that is uniform and desirable to the consumer.  This should not be confused with maintaining genetic diversity in total crop species.  For example in tomatoes, you will use a variety that gives you the size, taste, and shape that you are looking for.   Tomatoes that will sell well and keep your customers coming back.  This variety is genetically pure but there is still a great amount of genetic variability in tomatoes.  Some variation will be maintained by growers with different needs and taste than yours, but the majority of genetic variation is maintained by plant breeders.  The importance of genetic diversity in food crops is very important, but not in the crop a single grower is producing.

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