
Enviroment in DANGER?

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Now everything is a garbage-land. Anyway I can stop it?




  1. Basically, do whatever you can to lessen YOUR impact. Recycle, reyuse water bottles, instead of getting coffee and throwing the cup away, use a mug from home. If you want to go large scale, insulate your home with recycled blue-jean insulation, and invest in a Prius or other hybrid. Try walking or biking more- not only does it reduce gas use, it saves you money. Try buying clothing from organizations that donate money to saving the environment.

    Coming from the Eco-freak herself, these tips will help a lot. Sometimes it's the littlest things that make the biggest impact.

  2. Environmentalism is a broad church. Take a bit of time and find a way that suits you best.

    You can't stop it, but you can slow it down.

  3. Our Environment is in Danger Stage.

    Every where Plastic Bags spoiling our Air & Water.

    Emiting of Carbon Monoxide in air making Global Warming.

    Emiting of Clorofloro Carbon from Refrigerator/Spray etc are damaging our Ozone Layer.

    Everyday Meting of ICE is Artic And Antartica pole raising. Slowely Sea Level is raising inch by inch and try to enter our Land.

    All over the World Earthquake/Tsunami is comming regularly.

  4. Educate yourself and everyone else.

  5. Call the cops!!!

  6. yeah, convince the world to stop polluting it, ring up mr george bush. mr brown and any other government leader, and convince them to only use renewable resources, and then get everyone to recycle everything, invent environmentally, and economically friendly means of transportation.

    lol good luck with that.

    and whilst yuur at it, find the cure for cancer and help the starving people in africa

  7. What?

  8. if u begin a club or have to join a club to clean.

  9. Recycle almost everything

    Invent the three seashells from the film Demolitionman -- that would  save a few trees and reduce one type of waste

  10. not as one person sadly

    join a club with the same views as you

  11. yes u can !!!

  12. Recycle.

    Use biodegradable products.

    Walk, don't drive.

    Bike, don't drive.

    Air dry, don't use a clothes or blow dryer.
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