
Enviromental Fact Please?

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I want to know all the enviromental facts you know.

Things that will grab your attention and wow you (things WE can do to save our planet:


Recycling one aluminum can saves enough energy to run a TV for three hours -- or the equivalent of a half a gallon of gasoline.

Thanks in advance!




  1. The most toxic elements found in our waterways are:  household bleach, all-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, and dish detergent.

    The EPA says our homes are 5 times more polluted inside rather than outside.  

    We can ALL change our everyday products to safer ones!  Then it won't choke the life out of us and the environment.

    PS:  don't be fooled by the companies like Clorox which are making "greener" products.  Clorox is Clorox...end of story!

  2. Marine trash is killing more than a million seabirds and 100,000 mammals and sea turtles each year, said U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan in a statement last 2004 World Environment Day.

    Roughly 80% of marine debris originates from land-based activities, and plastics make up 90% of floating marine debris.

    Californians use over 19 billion plastic bags yearly, creating 147,038 tons of waste using over a million barrels of oil. That is 600 bags every second.

    A sturdy, reusable bag needs only be used 11 times to have a lower environmental impact than using 11 disposable plastic bags.

    What you can do:  Reusable Shopping Bags.  'nuff said!

  3. Not watching TV for three hours saves my brain from imploding thus saving the ambulance three litres of fuel to get me to hospital.

  4. You must be kidding?  ALL of the environmental facts I know?

    I could fill a 30 volume encyclopedia set with my environmental knowledge.  I'm not going to take the time to type out answers to such an open ened question.

    Things that grab my attention.....people who grow their own food, butcher their own animals, shop at thrift stores, turn off the TV and have family time, people who treat their pets with kindness and have them spayed/neutered, people who know about the native flora and fauna where they live, people who can teach me new and interesting ways of doing things on my farm (like apirary, plowing with horses, harness making, ect).

    Or how about the fact that I know of two aluminum recycling plants (one in Washington, one in California) that are both shut down, because with the high energy costs, and ultra high demand for energy, they make more selling their electricty that they are not using back to the power company, than they do actually recyling aluminum.  So the power companies pay them to stay out of business, and not to employ people.  Strike anyone else as wrong?


    Homesteading/Farming over 20 years

  5. I LOVE this question.  "Just the facts Ma'am just the facts"

    Unfortunately I only know some rules of thumb.

    Reduce is the most important --

    Bring your own bags to market of course,

    NYC grocery stores must recycle their plastic shopping bags so bring all you can,

    Use vinegar + water in a spray bottle to clean messes,

    Grow lots of plants around the apt (also those that can stand reflective sun, so find mirrors),

    Surge protectors shut down the energy leaks from computer systems, TV systems, Microwave, and anything with a charger (you can also just unplug them)

    Open yor fridge/freezer less,

    Compost, then spread that good stuff around Central Park

    et ..cet..tra

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