
Enviromental Questions for David Cameron?

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Basically, my sister has been asked to interview David Cameron for Panorama for the pre election show, and shes stuck for questions. So any suggestions for questions you would like to ask David Cameron. They have to be enviroment related, like what the Torries are doing for the enviroment etc. and ill suggest them to my sis and your question may be answered by DAVID CAMERON himself. Thank you and Make Them Good!




  1. How will he reconcile green issues with the need for economic growth?  Does he see these as essentially opposing forces or does he think that they can be aligned better and in what way (by what approach)

    How would a Conservative Government address transport issues - how would they seek to push more energy efficient transportation ?  Would they punitively tax the motorist in the same way as Labour ?  Or use some incentive instead ?

  2. How about "If you were truly committed to environmental causes, why did your driver drive your shoes to work when you cycled?"

  3. Why the environment? Surely we need to rectify the problems caused by Brown and his Labour cohorts first, otherwise the climate will be fixed by the recession and anyway where will he get the money as the EU takes everything.

  4. Does he accept that the privatisation of the rail and bus networks (under the Tories in the mid 1980s), has caused untold damage to the environment as people still prefer to use cars to trains and buses?

  5. Sorry i don't know how to put this in 'posh' terms but i think you will get the meaning of it and maybe your sister can put it in her own words...

    Basically, India, Africa, China etc.. are some of the worst polluters in the world, what is being done about this? England is one tiny island in the grand scale of the world, yet i feel like we are being penalised with all our green taxes, high energy bills, fuel charges etc... We are doing our bit as best we can but seriously what is the point when these mass nations don't seem to care at all about it?  

  6. What is your ten year outlook?  Which countries have a good environmental outlook?  How will you cooperate with them?  How will you borrow the best ideas from around the world on environmental tech and implement them?  How can the average citizen benefit or be impacted from your decisions?

  7. What do you propose to do about the disposal of refuse when each council in the country acts on an individual basis with its disposal policy which involves landfill.

    This is regarded as a wasteful policy as the technology exists to deal with refuse by way of total recycling within the area that refuse is generated.

    Unfortunately at the moment landfill is the easy option as it generates large profits for a company involved in the process.

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