Do they know what they are talking about?!! Ive been getting bites for about a week now, they are definitely 100% flea bites, they are not bed bugs, they are not mosquitos, they are definitely fleas, at first, I had a few bites around my ankles, then the last 2 days I have had about 6 bites on one of my thighs, I seem to scratch when I have been sitting on a particular armchair, I have just rang environmental health and they said that there is no way that they can be fleas cos I haven't got a pet...... erm...... aren't they supposed to be able to live in carpets etc? (the fleas I mean... not the environmental health officers lol!!) I am now thinking that they are right because why else would they try and get out of spraying my flat? Bearing in mind that I will be paying them for it? They said that a flea definitely wouldnt feed off me and wouldnt live in my environment without a host (a pet), i did itch when I came back from shopping earlier.... could one be in my car possibly? It may explain why the bites are on my thigh, why would i get a bite on my thigh? surely they would bite lower down whilst on its way up!! I'm getting sprayed anyway cos i dont like fleas!