if lightbulbs are the best flourescent, why dont companies ONLY make flourescent lightbulbs? and why dont grocery stores use cloth bags only? people make me so mad...and why dont they ONLY make the non electic or gas powered lawn mowers? and some people arent worried about the environment because when it finally goes down the drain, they wont be alive? how selfish is that? i mean your kids or grandkids will be alive? that just selfish. and why dont the not make bleach cuz its so bad? and harmful chemical cleaning products? my gosh...please answer. im so tired of dealing with people like that and thankyou to the people that are trying to help save the earth...i am trying to but the best i can do right now is recycle. oh yeah one more question, i have one recycling can what is everything i can put in it? can i put plastic AND paper or just paper? im sure both, but i want to make sure...thanks if u read the whole thing. i feel better now.