
Environment the next "terrorism"?

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Although we rely on the planet for our very existence and should be doing everything we can to protect it, everyone seems intent on bickering and debating, putting money, economy and fat cat CEO's ahead of our own health.,

Now it's become such a zoo of "liberal vs. conservative" that many have been systematically programmed into despising their own environment, screaming about the "liberal eco-n**i agenda" (of which no one thus far could explain) and scaremongering tactics. all this while they shun any cleaner or cheaper fuel and drive around in gas guzzlers

What's your thoughts on it? do see a day when the very concept of environmental cleanliness will become Terrorism, and those who so much as plant trees, clean up roads or even drive fuel efficient cars can be arrested?




  1. the answer is in this question;...

    There may very well come a day when the planet is divided into those who are Friends of the planet against its enemies in the cities.

    the Eo wars

    Beware the Pagan dawn ,when the sky will be red with a dying Gods blood and the Meek  will come looking for victims for their sacrifices to celebrate  their inheritance,

    And to compost the depleted earth with the bodies of those who abused it.,

    I know which side i will be on .

    do you ???

  2. Many enviro groups are already involved in terrorist activity including arson, bombings and murders.  There are also groups who deliberately maim and murder loggers through acts of sabotage.  There are also some environmental campaigns that have been motivated by genocidal urges; anti-DDT activism, aimed at reducing the population of Africa, has resulted in 96 million deaths due to malaria.

  3. Awesome thoughts... i love where you just lead my mind. hehe

    gimme a break anti-DDT terrorism... wanton use of technology for the sake of profit (capitalism) is closer to terrorism than stopping poisonous chemical spraying. geez. Even further... how many indigenous people have been killed by "eurocentric" progress.  Stop the c**p, get out side.

  4. Here is an example. We need nuclear power. Nuclear power would not harm the environment the way coal and oil power plants do but too many people thing nuclear is too unsafe. We could have done this in the 70s when OPEC shut off the oil but no the environmentalists stood in the way and now we have so called man made global warming and they target cars (SUVS) and power stations as the main culprits.

    Now they got DDT banned because egg shells were thinned out and so to save the earth and birds they got it banned through the EPA even when it was proved it saved people from diseases and crops from insects. millions have died in Africa from maleria because of this. Now the tree huggers want to use wind generated power from giant turbines that yes you guessed it kills thousands of birds every year. Now they want to save the prarie dog and mice living in the desert so we can not build anything there. Now guess what? They want solar panels to cover all of the desert to get enefficient power and ruin the desert.

    Environmentalists are whacked out people with a hidden agenda of putting the earth before man in every fight they make.

    I am for a clean earth but I am not going to pay for carbon credits because carbon is not a pollutant and the earth was put here for our benefit to increase our lifestyle and to progress not egress like the tree hugger dirt worshippers want to.

    Environmentalists are the true terrorists just as the people who logged in Oregon and the car dealerships that have been set on fire in protest.

  5. Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York) leases a Cadillac DeVille for $774 a month with taxpayer money.

    In defense of his taxpayer-funded Cadillac, Rangel says, "The car isn't just a vehicle for getting around; it's an important part of doing my job, and my constituents appreciate it."

    But why not question the mindset of a congressmen who complains about oil companies but drive around in gas-guzzling automobiles.

    Such members of Congress should be doing more to lessen America's dependence on foreign oil -- and those congressmen who do otherwise are being "hypocritical."

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