
Environmental Lapse rate Graph Making (DALR,SALR&etc etc)?

by  |  earlier

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We're asked to make a graph with the following information, but so far... all i know is temperature goes in the X axis and elevation goes in the Y axis. Details: mass of air will cool along the DALR of 10C/1000M until it reaches the condensation level at which point it will continue to rise along the SALR of 6.5C/1000m. A mass of air has a temperature of 12C at the earth's surface and a dew point temperature of 1C. Graphically represent this information. My question now is where do i even start plotting? =|




  1. Start at 12 degC and the ground (x=12, y=0.0).

    Draw a line going up to 10 degC cooler and 1000m higher (x=12-10=2, y=1000). This is the Dry Adiabatic Lapse Rate line for this starting temperature.

    You know the dew point is 1 degC so you have to go up a bit more along the same line to get to the height where the temperature is 1 degC. This is (roughly) the condensation level.

    Now, as you go further up, you need to be getting colder at 6.5degC/1000m. So from 1 degC go to 1-6.5=-5.5 and 1000 metres higher. This is the Saturated  Adiabatic Lapse Rate line. You are now in cloud and condensing water vapour.

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