
Environmental disaster are a result of man's negligence?

by  |  earlier

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i need cons for this topic cause im in a debate. plz help




  1. Fire at "man's negligence"; define negligence: negligence of the our effects on the environment(pro); negligence of environmental disasters(con).

    A clear point on "environmental disaster are not created in response to man's negligence, for it can be present without the presence of man(there are environmental disasters before our presence)" should be stated.

  2. Sometimes environmental disasters are results of natural phenomena:

    Storms or earthquakes could break dams and cause floods.

    Droughts can cause "Dust Bowl" scenarios, even without man's overuse or misuse of the land.

    Ecosystems can collapse following volcanic eruptions or asteroid/meteoroid impacts.

  3. Uh...  I believe in Santa Claus, Eastery Bunny, and Global Warming.

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